There is an Approved Narrative. The theme "Yay, Vagina! BOOOOO! Penis!" "Girls RULE, Boys Drool!" "Women can be fit at any weight! Sexy at any age!" The usual "Women are Wonderful!" stuff.

The Approved Narrative is evidently so fragile that anything that might undermine the Approved Narrative must be removed, dissent must be crushed.


Because the fact is that women are just our guests here. If men all stopped doing what we do, every day, Civilization would last until the first oil change. It would actually take about 15-30 minutes for things to start going wrong, world wide. Power plants would shut down, or melt down, anything requiring monitoring would go un-monitored, and so on and so forth.

They are the Eloi, and we are the Morlocks. There is nothing more privileged than a white, Western woman.

I don't say this because I hate women. In fact, I wrote a top-level post that I don't hate women, and I don't think anyone should I am rather fond of feminine women who can keep their figures and show proper deference, but, at the same time, their primary value is the production and care of the next generation of men. After that, what? Some light housework and cooking, sexual gratification, other, similar tasks and ornamentation. Maybe some skilled work, like nursing, but everything else we can provide on our own. As Judgy Bitch (PBUH) once wrote, "If men wanted us chained up in basements, we'd be chained up in basements."

And it is because men have this power that the radfems rail and screech at us, and demand that we be silenced, fired from our jobs, ostracized, our wives/girlfriends raped, our kids brainwashed, etc. Don't believe me? Ask James Damore. Ask Tim Hunt. He is a Nobel Prize winner, but he's also a codgy old guy who made some (admittedly) cringy comments. Doesn't matter, he must be guillotined as if he were Harvey Weingrabber.1 Ask the Duke Lacrosse team or the UVA fraternity. Ask the guys expelled during the current campus rape "moral panic". No "1 in 5" women aren't raped on campus, because if they were, parents Would Not Fucking ALLOW Their Daughters to go to university. All the better to avoid the roving "rape vans". "1 in 5" is true - in the Congo. Where they are having a civil war, evidently. Co-eds are more like 1 in 500 and they are safer than the female population, generally.

And thank God my "bro of color" saw that Gillette ad and kept me from chatting up that girl. Even though she was probably down. I might have raped her.

And so it goes.

Now, in fairness, the GRRRRL POWER! Princess-culture shit is an absolute betrayal for women who only learn too late that their value was their youth and fertility. A woman I know sometimes talks of how she wants a "winter wedding."

It would, of course, be her first marriage.

She is 53 years old. She is a walking egg cemetery.

When she was younger, she was attractive in a preppy athletic way, man-friendly, good sense of humor. I don't know how she managed to fuck that up, but she did. Now there is nothing to be done. The WallSPLAT! is Undefeated.

Meanwhile the Cultural Marxists, who have rotted out much of what is good in society, need you to be isolated, ignorant and enslaved. They need betas who are just smart enough to run the machines and not ask too many questions. To say the words - "War is Peace. Ignorance is Strength. Freedom is Slavery. We have always been at war with East Asia."

The LIES never stop. Google the "Dove Real Beauty Campaign". Spoiler Alert: It's a bunch of fatties in their underwear. It is NOT pretty. Back in the aughts, they tried to tell us that men only preferred attractive women because we were "socialized" to. Um, how about 'No'?

So What To Do?

While there is nothing more common that young, unaccomplished dick, the fact remains that there is nothing more valuable than a high value man. There are women who will submit, completely, to a HVM, domestically and sexually, just to stay in his life. So regardless of their Happy Talk, and "The Future is Female" nonsense, there is nobody among us who should not be grateful to have been born male.

Your task is simple: Become the Prize. You have one life. How will you spend it?

Rise, and shake your chains away like dew.

Rise, and make them feel the thunder of your strength.

Rise, go forth, and conquer.