I got married at 22 years old and now I am 23.

My wife is 20. We both didn't want to marry so early. I knew everything about the mentality of TRP. It is a long and very annoying reason why I got married. Yes I love my wife if you wonder. But again; we didn't want to marry so early, we just had to because of her dad insisted and threaten us to break up. He is an alcholic man. He asked me to break up with his daughter or he said he would kill me. I didn't give a fuck about him and he locked her daughter to the room for 3 days and then she ended up to came to me and we suddenly got married. I know that sounds very strange or maybe stupid.

Anyway, there is nothing to do. I just want to be happy but I can't because of people who always say that I am a stupid man because I got married so early. They always say that I can't live my life anymore. I can't get other girls when I want bla bla bla....

What is your advices for me? Marriage life is very hard. I have been trying to earn money to get our life in order. We don't want a kid yet. She has some dreams about our future like having a baby, having a beautiful house, living without stress etc. But I don't want to dream like her because I always got a thought in my mind that I can't live forever as a married man. I will die one day and I want to live like a free man. Sometimes I see other single guys who live their life as a free man and I say I wish I didn't get married so early. I don't know.

I know most of you are in your 30s/40s of your life. I know you have got valuable informations to give me about life, marriage. How should I live my life?
