Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others.” - Otto von Bismarck

My greatest example of how NOT to live my life is my father. Here are the lessons taken straight from his life:

  1. SMV is everything
    My father is a house painter, his second ex-wife got 2 Master's degrees during their marriage, and eventually she started making more money than him. Her favorite go-to insult was telling him in front of their friends and family to shut up, because he was dependent on her health insurance.
  2. Comfort kills
    He's a pretty smart guy, however in his 20s he started painting houses, that brought him enough money to live comfortably at the time, so he didn't pursue any other career. He literally wasted 30 years of his life. Now he's severely depressed, partly because he knows he didn't reach his potential.
  3. Spin plates
    As far as I know, my father LTR'd every women he had slept with. He most likely does not know what abundance is and how it feels like to have options, to actually choose the women you want to be in a relationship with, to not be forced into one because you don't want to be lonely.
  4. Deal with your own problems
    He never learnt how to deal with his own problems, so he looks for other people to help him. He wants other people to pity him, to make him feel better about himself.
    Now he dates a woman who is "a great mental support" for him, he talks about her like she's gonna take care of him. He's too blind to see that it is the very reason why he's twice divorced.

In conclusion: Lift
I strongly believe most of your problems can go away if you simply hit the gym and lift. Working out will encourage you (I mean it technically - give you courage) to become the better version of yourself:

  • You will be proud of yourself after every completed workout, especially when you were too lazy to go. Your confidence will skyrocket after seeing some gains. Women will start noticing you. You will have sex with some of them.
  • The discipline learnt from lifting regularly will spread to other areas of your life. You will achieve your goals more easily.
  • You will have less time to waste, because you'll be spending it in the gym. This will help you with your addictions and vices.
  • Lifting will harden you mentally. It will help you get through sadness and loneliness. It will be become your refuge.

So by all means, be the wise man. Learn from my father's mistakes.