Old school TRP used to be full of sales guys. Most ECs are in careers that require negotiation on a regular basis, solicitation of new customers, or own companies. Why is that?

We understand the art of the sale. We are Sales Bros.

TRP today is absolutely plagued by STEMlords. You make us look bad, in fact the only legitimate way to criticize the sub most of the time is by quoting your absurd hate filled nonsense.

You see, salesmen like their customer. They appreciate their product and find ways to make their customer connect with their product. They enjoy risk - sell and get paid well or don't and starve. They are winners. They know the best customers are tough to sell, because they get pitched all the time.

STEMlords HATE their customers. Ever seen programmer humor? It is 90% vitriol toward their users, who they think are stupid, incapable, selfish, and inferior. Sound like the way you think about women?

I am here to teach you to sell YOURSELF. In order to be a good sales bro, I demand the following:

  • Appreciate your product - look in the mirror and tell yourself "this guy is fucking awesome"

  • Learn to like your customer, even if they can be annoying cunts sometimes

  • WANT IT. Demand the best of yourself and cultivate a desire to win

Yes the SMP can be brutal. Yes women can be picky and stuck up. That's just life, friends.

Do you want to win? Join me and be a Sales Bro in the SMP. Otherwise, please fuck off to the loser subs. I've got future customers waiting.