When you first begin this journey that is MRP, you were told to stick with the plan and work hard, the gains would be enormous. It’s true. After six months you likely look at yourself entirely differently than you did for many years before. You wife has likely responded in some positive way to your changes, and your family has as well. You begin to lead, and lead from a place of abundance. Things happen that don’t go according to plan, but your extensive MRP training (sidebar & lift) has you prepared for nearly anything that you can come your way and you’re well underway being the captain of your ship and crew.

When it comes to improving yourself, I think that many of us reach a point to where the gains are very small incrementally versus when we first began. It’s in this stage that we begin to understand if the 1000 ft rope will tighten or not. Most see progress, some do not, but this post is for those of you who see progress in your wives and the willingness to follow her captain.

Your woman is one of your greatest creations. You may not believe it, but anything great about her is because of you. You are the one who draws out her inner feminine spirit that shines in the most peculiar and routine ways. You are the man that allowed her to find a place where she…. can be happy.

What a gift.

What a gracious gift that you have the ability to give this to someone else. Your energy, your attention, your time… all pieces of you that you give willingly to your woman so that she can grow from it all. She is a reflection of everything good and bad in you. She is moldable through your leadership and giving. Through your gift of her happiness, she adds value to your life in those peculiar, mundane and often sexy ways.

When you look at your woman remind yourself of your ability to give her this gift. You are the prize. In return she will give you the gift of femininity.

Recently, I found myself reflecting on how much my wife has changed since I began this journey nearly a year ago. Despite a few dealing with Rambo, I’ve found my new self is accepted and adored by my wife in most cases. Now she has begun her own journey of following her Captain, tugging at the rope trying to reel herself in to the ship that has been sailing on course for some time.

The only thing my wife did a year ago was take care of the kids (badly) and clean. She was a horrible cunt to be around. By the time I discovered MRP, she was only doing laundry and taking care of a 2 year old and I decided to pick up my life and do all the rest that was required for a home. Fuck her, right? Sex was starfish 1-2x week. I was angry.

Now one of my greatest creations – a reflection of myself – is nearly a perfect housewife. Cooks, cleans, takes (better) care of the kids, plans activities, joins a pottery class, enjoys vacations, gets ready everyday with makeup and hair, and fucks with enthusiasm and desire. And I’m only at the beginning. The thoughts of her improving more as I do are exciting. The journey itself becomes fun and challenging.

Realizing that everything she is doing now is a reflection of my hard work is astounding. I’m grateful. I’m beyond speechless. I can not believe that the biproduct of all this hard work on myself is a woman that I have lead to be a better version of herself.

And all of that without a single word.

For those struggling with validation… Not a single time did I get encouragement from her. Not a single bit of praise. Not a mention of anything that would resemble a wife who is proud of or to be with her husband. Not a single comment on my physique, style, new haircut, sexual position, or attitude. Nothing.

And I still haven’t heard her say a nice thing once about any of my changes.

The fact is – we should have never let ourselves get to the place where all of this feels like work. It’s not work. It’s how we were designed to be and designed to live. A man is only as strong as his knowledge of this world and we were unfortunately sold a lie. Finding MRP just brings us back to what we were designed to be. It shouldn’t have been, but it was hard work for me.

The comfort testing will increase. She will be seeking praise for her accomplishments along the way, and unlike her – I give them willingly because I honestly am proud of her. The feminine grows with praise. The masculine grows with challenge.

To me, that is the sense of pride that a man can have in seeing how his hard work has benefited someone else, and more importantly someone he cares deeply about.

For a willing wife, MRP can save them too.

You can lead yourself, and a willing wife to a place where she will be most happy and simultaneously add the most value to your life. You are the creator of your life. YOU can create a marvelous relationship with or without your wife. That’s your choice. For fucks sake, make something. Always be creating.

You’re the fucking captain now. Get to work.