Here's the thread.

Summary: After dating nothing but white, black and latino guys for years ("dating" probably being a very loose term here), an Asian woman suddenly had an epiphany that she wanted to "preserve her culture and heritage" as she was getting older. Found a nice safe Asian guy and dated him for 6 months.

Well, the guy discovered this due to a flippant comment of hers and proceeded to confront her about it. Of course, she goes to TwoXChromosomes to get validation and support from her fellow women. If you read the comment, you'll note that she doesn't give a shit about how her boyfriend feels about the situation - only how she can suppress the argument and coax him back into passivity.

With all the noise about Indian women lately, I thought it pertinent to include this example; east Asian women are just as bad. It's not Indians, it's basically any girl whose family comes from an eastern country. She'll happily suck black dick for years and possibly decades, and then will start noticing her wrinkles in the mirror. She'll fabricate some story about "re-discovering her heritage" and will take any guy of the same ethnicity who looks like he can provide that lifestyle for her and her kids. What a romantic love story.

Stay away from these women at all costs.