This may have turned into a bit of a rant. I had an interesting interaction with a user today. He was upset because he felt that the direction of this sub has been lost and that we have essentially devolved into a sub that teaches old sluts how to reel in a BB. This lead me to ask the question, who is Red Pill for?

Red Pill is for women who have realized that the liberal, feminist agenda that we are indoctrinated with all of our lives is not making them happy. It is for the ladies who think, "there must be a better way to interact with my SO, there has to be another dynamic than this current one that isn't working."

It's for the 18 year old virgin who's never had a serious boyfriend. But, and this seems to be where this particular fellow had a problem, it's also for the 28 year old who realizes she wasted her youth on the wrong priorities and is looking for help to fix them. It's for the 35 year old divorced mother who is looking to fix the problems and ideologies she has been using and find a good man.

Sure, some men may think that some ladies are just trying to have their cake and eat it too, but to that I say, how can you tell the difference between one women who is genuinely trying to better herself and the one who is doing it to be manipulative? You can't, so err on the side of caution and help everyone.

Yes, some guys are going to be turned off by your age, your children, your divorce history, your party girl past. That's a natural consequence of life. Did you know a better way at the time? The answer doesn't matter because it doesn't effect the outcome. The point is, you're here now. You're looking to fix things now.

We all have a past and while some may condemn you for it, others won't. Those are the men you are bettering yourself for. Some men who are angry or bitter and come here may say they're all betas or they're low quality men but if you see quality in this man, who is some stranger on the Internet to tell you you're wrong?

Ladies, we are in a much better position than or feminist counterparts, no matter what age you swallow the pill. I'm not encouraging a "team woman" attitude and I'm certainly not encouraging the women looking to glean what they can from the sub for their own manipulative game.

When I look at posts for advice or field reports and see some posters condemning those of us who have the courage to open up about our past mistakes, it really irritates me. Red pill is about seeing reality for what it is and using it to live your life the best way you can. You can't un-ride the CC and you can't go back in time to hunt for a husband at 23. Start where you're at now. The journey is still worthwhile. Don't let the occasional bitter poster bring you down.

I truly believe in this journey, I know it has changed my life and marriage for the absolute better. I certainly wish I had found it earlier in my 20's than I did, but the point is, I did indeed find the Red Pill. This journey, this mind set, this lifestyle, this praxeology, is a truly indispensable thing to integrate into your life and a cause I very strongly believe in.