Hello my beautiful ladies!!!  The past month I have been on a spiritual journey after a mutual break/hiatus from my captain.  This break has shaken me to the core so much so that I have embarked on a soul searching journey.  What started out as how to win him back evolved into learning about my feminine energy, emotional blocks, attachment style, inner child, mother wound and how a man thinks.  I wanted to share the links of the blogs/channels/coaches that are helping me.  These coaches are speaking red pill truths and its refreshing.

The most important thing I'm learning is about feminine /masculine energy.  Feminine is not just putting on a flower dress and being demure.  It's about sitting back, receiving, sharing your true feelings, having boundaries and being warm.  We as modern women have been raised to be in our masculine energy, getting things done, being strong, not crying, women of action.  Yet when dealing with men, we don't revert into our feminine energy, being in our body, expressing our true feelings, listening, receiving from a man. This is what repels them from us. i have been talking to men I know and the common theme is they WANT to do for us. They are solvers, action takers. They want to make us happy, the want to solve our problems. But they cant do that when we are battling them everyday. They cant do that if we don't express what we truly want.

We more than likely also have an inner child/mother wound that is taking over and creating emotional distance or conflicts in our interpersonal relationships. This inner child is us as a baby, a child that still carries around the hurt, the fear, the feeling of not being good enough.  That child peaks out and starts to make decisions for us, with the intention to protect us, but hurts us the most in the end.

-Helena Hart


Her YouTube videos are awesome and so informative. Through her videos I was introduced to the other coaches that I have listed below.

-Adrienne Everhart


One of my personal favorites, discovered her through Helena

-Valerie Greene


She also has a podcast.  She has great videos with Helena on attachment styles and feminine. 

-Alison Bulman


She appeared on Valerie Greene's podcast and talking about intimacy and blocks to it.  I signed up for her course and it has changed my life in a tremendous way and I see the results every day. 

-Suzanne Anderson


This right here is blowing my mind. This is discussing the mother wound which is deep for me. At first I was hesitant because she spoke in a feminist way, but I let go of my bias and really listened to what she is saying.  She's on point. 

-Robin Reed

He has a YouTube video titled "How to spot emotionally unavailable men" 

Trust me, just listen to him

-Dr. Gottman 7 Principles

Also check out Ted Talks on inner child, confidence, CBT techniques. 

These are all fascinating concepts and psychological theories.  Take what you want, discard what you don't need.  Approach with an open mind.  I hope that this helps any woman that has been struggling with herself. Please feel free to share any resources/concepts you have found. The road is not easy but the journey is so rewarding. All the best!