I don't have an issue with the concept of flirting, but whenever I ask people what I should be doing it doesn't compute in my head at all. Somebody giving me a piece of advice would go something like this..

F: Well, if you want to flirt with a guy, just touch him!

Me: How do I know when to touch him?

F: You will just instinctively know. Don't force it.

Me: But I don't know... I don't feel any desire to touch anybody....

It almost feels like whenever someone gives me flirting advice, or I see other people flirting with each other, it feels like they're all speaking an entirely different language. My mind is just blown and I am so incredibly confused. To do something like what was suggested above, I would just have to force myself, and that seems like it could look really weird. I've been referred to as an a walking computer in terms of expression and emotion before. (INTJ if that explains it?)

Edit: If it helps, I am college aged. I have liked guys before, but prior to this point I didn't know what RPW was so I would just straight up ask them out. I have no plans on ever doing this again because I know that is not what men like and their reactions seconded this.