So I like to consider myself a fair guy. I know from time to time people do dumb shit and regret it later. Like making shit threads on here when they're drunk, or getting butthurt and writing out some 800 word emotional wall of text. Confusing a specific users view with "what TRP thinks" and then shaming the sub or bringing their personal politics/butthurt pertaining to gays, race, religion and all the rest into it. I get it. You're not a fully actualized man yet. An actualized man knows when it is wise to reply, and likewise when some dumb shit is just not worth his time. An emotional man will make the comment "this isn't worth my time," when he sees something that upsets him (if he doesn't bitch) whilst the wise man will just ignore you and go about his shit because your opinion isn't even worth addressing. Bickering is for women and people who lack emotional self-control. Many of you lack self-control or a stoic capacity to ignore something which is an affront to your beliefs. You feel compelled to respond to things which press your buttons. You can't "just let it go." When you respond from a place of emotion rather than reason, the likelihood of contributing word vomit increases tenfold. Self-control is thus paramount.

If this sounds like you you're probably mentally, quite young. If you're not immature then you are at least undisciplined, a reactionary. This is evident because you're not keeping a lid on your shit and your butthurt is leaking out all over the subreddit. I can see it because I find myself deleting more and more threads now than I ever did and the rule violations are becoming more common. So what can I do to respond to that? Apart from let the sub go to shit I have one option: get stricter.

If there's anything I've learned as a mod on this subreddit it is "to just let things go." When people are emotional and think they are in the right they need to have the last word to placate their egos so "they feel like they won." You know what? The best way to calm an idiot down is let them feel like they won, let them give their fragile little egos what they need, don't keep feeding into their chain of bullshit, not with amused mastery, not snark (you saw /u/redpillschool's post, right?) not logic, not anything. Just ignore the motherfucker, they will burn out without conflict. These people need the energy of conflict to perpetuate themselves. You deny them that and they have nothing. It works excellently on the female hamster and the male gerbil alike.

Now there is a point to me saying this. If you go back far enough into the red pill's posting history. Start looking at threads from a year ago (for example, I'm not suggesting this time period was a specific moment of decline or anything as such) and you'll notice the total lack of bullshit in threads. The lack of personal politics, the lack of meta politics, the lack of whining butthurt. The lack of "that's beta, this is alpha" "you're not a real alpha, you're a fake alpha!" The lack of "what's the point in TRP women are all evil!!!?!?!" The lack of concern trolling "but guys, should we really be thinking this way?" the lack of dumb ass questions "what do you think of this dumb ass shit I found on yahoo answers?" the lack of "hey I'm going to make a lazy as fuck topic with an imgur link and write one damn sentence in it and then downvote the mod when he removes it for being shit!"

Newbies are posting before they are ready. They are asking too many questions and not doing enough research of their own. They are lazy beta fuckwits and nerdy omegas who argue the fuck out of a word definition or some generally unimportant shit and all that crap detracts from the sub. If I see you do that I will just delete all your newest posts and ban you. I'm sick of the bickering and if you are bickering, you don't belong here. Now, don't misinterpret me and spin that as some argument for "TRP WANTS TO CENSOR LEGITIMATE OPINION" because NO. If you can make a well reasoned argument that adds a different slant to the discussion, by all means, do. We can all learn from it. If you're going to be a judgmental pretentious fuck? See ya pussy. That's not what TRP is about, when you behave like that you put a big blue siren on your head that says "I don't belong here."

TRP started as a place where guys would come, share their views on women, exchange strategies and be generally quite cordial with one another. Sure, like any community, we have had our ups and downs and bullshit drama, but it's never been characteristic of the subreddit, they were isolated occurrences. Slowly I see this becoming a new norm. Well I'll tell ya now, before that happens, you'll have to carry me out of here in a casket, be it mass ban waves or more drastic action. At the end of the day all of this conduct is deeply offensive to the spirit of the subreddit. The whole sub is based upon value exchange and strategy pertaining to constructing masculinity and handling/managing the presence of femininity. Not your insecurities, not your hang-ups, not your need to obsessively argue minor points with people you don't know or any other inane bullshit.

Unfortunately, in light of this, I can't be the fair or tolerant guy I'd like to be. I can't afford to give you one chance to fuck up and ban you for a second fuck up because that essentially doubles the amount of moderating required, which is already extensive on an 82,000 man sub. And believe me, moderating this sub is no walk in the park, it gets ugly. So now, if you break one rule once - I will ban you.

Other mods are free to do their own thing, they may give you more chances than I, they may not. That's their prerogative. If I see you flaunting the rules, if you challenge me over a mod decision like you think you know better or if you post a question in here that belongs to /r/asktrp you will be banned. Some people are retarded and lazy, others are legitimately ignorant/new and I don't have time to fuck about making that distinction, you will be treated the same: as someone who didn't read our rules. Ignorance is not an excuse for violating the rules, I don't care how unfair you think I am or if you like me or not. I am not here to be your buddy. I'm here to do a job, an ugly job, that's clean up your word vomit and stop you puking all over others. If you go on about being censored, you'll get banned for that too. Yes we censor you, we never claimed we didn't. We have a vision/direction we want the sub to go in, we have a certain environment we want to facilitate. We're as fair as you are cooperative.

This is the third time I've made a sticky (or is it the fourth now?) where I'm basically telling you to button the fuck up and concentrate on becoming men rather than wasting your time frequenting the subreddit posting bullshit after bullshit. That isn't what men who are out in the world achieving shit do. And it's sad because the guys who are seeing gains in their life are posting less/helping out less here/making shorter posts and the guys with nothing better else to do are posting more. It's very evident to seasoned red pillers who knows their shit and who doesn't. If we let too many of you new users "have your opinion" and "have your say" and don't censor you, and start acting like this shit is some kind of democracy (it isn't, and don't you forget it) then you confuse the other new users with misinformation as well as alienate people who have been here a long time. You eventually start running the place with your message and then TRP becomes useless to everyone, because you and your ego killed it with its need to be validated by internet strangers. Well done, chump.

Heed my words, I'm a man of my word. It now just got a metric fuck ton easier to be banned, so up your game or face the ban hammer. And if you're dumb enough to break the rules but give enough fucks to keep making new accounts so you can "have your say" we'll ban those too. If we silence you once for breaking the rules we're only going to keep doing it. And yes, we will keep banning you until you learn to respect our rules in our space. You enter our space then you have to behave the way in which we deem is fit. If you come up in here flaunting the rules, you're out, it's simple as that. We will ban you as many times as possible until it's finally conditioned into that dim brain that you need to follow the rules. Or as if by magic every little bit of bullshit your fresh throwaway has ever said will disappear and you become just as irrelevant as you were before you "tried to be controversial" and thought you were a big man because "LOL, SIDE STEPPING MY BAN, HURLED ABUSE AT A MOD, GOT ANOTHER THROWAWAY!" - how obsessive and pathetic. The mark of a true man no less? No? No.

If you see some bullshit message me, or another mod, or all of us AND use the report button under every comment. Don't use the report button because you're butthurt, use it because the post breaks a rule.

Be humble, contain your butthurt, add value, and we won't have any problems. Now go kickass.