

Women often seek good provider men for commitment and financial stability after dating jerks, riding the carousel, and who likely have children they want provided for. This is called a dual-mating strategy, aka Alpha Fucks/Beta Bucks. This strategy of dating jerks and riding the carousel before settling down with a good man is not only planned by women,[1][2][3] but it's encouraged by feminists.

The kind, chivalrous men often rejected for not being "tall enough", "thug enough", or "just friends" usually end up being the same men that women seek commitment from because the bad boys she chose were too selfish, abusive, and irresponsible to care about her needs when she wants to settle down and needs stability. Unfortunately by the time she finally seeks the good guys for commitment, her value is tremendously lowered due to some combination of depreciating looks, a promiscuous past, alpha widowhood, and kids needing provision.

The prudent man will guard his commitment and resources from such women to avoid ending up in a dead bedroom while providing financial stability to a woman who picked him last. Here we show examples of women employing a dual-mating strategy, along with a few entitlement princesses.