What a whole year of TRP does to you – how I slept with my first MILF



After more than a whole year of working on my frame, my physical appearance and my game (Part one), I applied every single TRP tool I had to seduce and bed a MILF (Part two : field report).





Part One : Background and TRP journey


1.5 years ago, I [at the time 22 years of age, now nearing 24] was a blue pill boy who had finally escaped from of a failed LTR, coming to terms with the fact that I was responsible for the failure : I had not been able to set boundaries, I had feared conflict, I had let my really sweet, but overly dependent GF take control of my life – even though I’d never seen myself as the kind of guy who’d let that happen.


In reality, I was a « nice guy » (as described by Robert Glover) in most areas of life : I considered my needs and wants to be secondary – I was an “altruist” who prided himself on being low maintenance. If there was only a serving of pasta left, I’d be the first to give it up to one of my friends. At the time, I didn’t know that all the frustration and rage I felt on a regular basis, were only the consequence of this « selfless » myth I had bought into – I honestly believed that being good was solely about making others happy, even if that meant making myself unhappy (how I’ve changed…).


When I discovered TRP, I quickly recognised the truth I had been seeking. I had always been keen on self-improvement, but it was the first time that I’d come across such a powerful and nuanced philosophy. Usually, self-improvement gurus tell you to love yourself and others, be more kind, selfless… etc. Which I’m sure is good advice if you’re a selfish cunt – but is terrible advice for “selfless” (actually spineless) “nice guys”. TRP was the first self-improvement philosophy to show me that harnessing my power was the best thing I could do, not only for others, but also, and mainly, for myself. Having desires and life energy is what makes you an accomplished, healthy, optimistic person, NOT taming your power, which is wasteful, as well as dangerous (the energy will turn itself against you in unpredictable and unhealthy ways if you don’t let it out). TRP helped me understand that women (just like men btw), want carefree, light-hearted fun. They want adventure, they like mystery and surprise. They just can’t advertise it – because that would attract too many idiots, because they’d be called sluts… etc.


So I worked. I started lifting. I started working on my frame (I am the prize, I am just here to have fun and go about my mission, I have abundance… etc). I worked on my physical appearance (I cut my long hair, I started wearing shirts more frequently…). I kept a journal where I recorded my experiences and analysed them (turning each failure into a lesson). I experimented with NoFap (which boosted my self-confidence and general drive).


On a deep level, it is my frame that changed the most. My whole worldview has shifted. Its funny, I only got around to read NMMNG a few days ago – I could see my old blue pill self, but also the amount of progress I’d made. Staggering stuff. I understand now that my struggle with women was just the tip of the « nice guy » iceberg. I’m so glad to have been freed.



Part Two : when TRP becomes second nature – field report


I’m telling this story because that evening, I used every single TRP tool I have ever learned. And I did it without even thinking.




“Hey bro, I’d be really glad if you came to my mother’s big annual party this year”, said my very good friend Mo’ the other day. “But it’s over in [other city], and there will be only old middle-aged geezers, why the fuck should we go?”, I asked. “Fuck you man, who cares about age, as long as people know how to party? Do it for me at least, I’d like you to come since I’m going anyway”. This friend, Mo’, really likes to party, and he’s exceptionally good at it (yes, it’s a skill), so I let myself get convinced, and I said, as a joke because I didn’t really believe it myself : “Well, your mom’s friends better be hot, because I’m not going there for nothing !”. Needless to say, that joke suddenly became real funny a few days later.


And with that, off we went.


The party


We finally get there, and the party seems kinda shit, we’re the youngest ones around by far, and the geezers, who seem to average 40-50 yo are just talking and eating in a small cramped apartment. “Fuck” I can’t help but mutter. Mo’ doesn’t care – he’s talking to everyone, laughing, and just having a good time as he always does. Now, I’m not as skilled as he is, but I’m trying my best at being fun and entertaining. While doing this, I spot a woman who looks in her early forties, blond hair, green eyes, nice legs, real sexy smile. A proper MILF, former HB9 no doubt about it.


Now, she’s sitting in a corner, in deep conversation. Unlike the other middle-aged women who keep eyeing me (I’m looking good, I’ve got a nice white shirt with the sleeves curled up, a clean cut and shave, and all the lifting has brought about tasty results), my target doesn’t give a shit. You can tell, by her looks and her demeanour, that she used to be a real pretty girl, who’d get tons of attention from boys – and probably still does.


As time passes, I get to meet her (let’s call her Jennifer), and a small group of “fun” people forms around Mo’ and me. Jokes start to fly, people start to dance. I’m teasing Jennifer, who responds very strongly – a lot stronger than needed actually, that’s how I know I have an opening. Even another woman notices this – “these two can’t stand each other!” she exclaims. So I keep at it, teasing, push-pulling, but also sometimes stopping the act and going for a “I’d like to get to know you” vibe, in a more intimate manner. I then go to dance, insisting that I’m a shit dancer, which is untrue, and fake being shit at dancing for a while, till I start throwing a few moves which illicit reactions from people around. Suddenly, Jennifer, who’d stayed sat, saying she hated dancing, is on the dancefloor, and it is quite clear that she got up because of me. And so that’s how things went on for the rest of the night : teasing, dancing, talking, till eventually, there were only very few people left, and it was obviously time for her to go.


The close


This is where it gets interesting. Teasing, dancing and looking good aren’t that hard to do, and I’d been doing that since way before I discovered TRP (TRP just helped me further improve my looks and game, which I had already worked on quite a lot). What TRP really taught me, is frame, as well as female psychology (“watch her actions not her words”, shit-tests… etc). These are the most precious TRP lessons, because they are counterintuitive (whereas looking good, making a girl laugh, not being needy… all are pretty self-evident requirements if you ask me).


So she’s about to leave, and Mo’ pulls me aside “I don’t care how you do it, but I don’t want to see you sleeping here tonight” (I was supposed to sleep in his room). Till that moment, I was relaxed, but suddenly I’m all tense : I have no idea how to get her to invite me to her house.


She says goodbye to everyone, and I’m hovering by the front door. Finally she comes to me (all that follows happens very fast) : “Goodbye, it was nice meeting you” she says. I don’t know what to do, so I just throw it out there : “What are we gonna do now? You’ve been hitting on me all night and you’re just gonna leave like this?” She can’t believe I just said that, but laughs : “I haven’t been hitting on you at all! You have!” – “Sure I have… Normally I’d ask for your number, but I don’t even live in this city, so what’s the point?” – “You want my number?” she asks, genuinely surprised. “At the very least, but as I said, what am I to do with it?” – “You can always come back to this city” she suggests – “Alright but I don’t have my phone on me, so I can’t take note” (my phone was charging in the next room, I hadn’t thought it’d go this quickly). “Then you’ll have to memorize it !” she laughs. As she dictates the number, she opens the door, and slips out. The door closes, and I’ve obviously not memorized the number, since I didn’t give a shit about it in the first place.


In a flash, it seemed all over. I’m standing in front of a closed door, with nothing to show for all the work I put in that evening, for all the IOIs I’d gotten from her, for all the training I’d been following for a year. I had been meditating every day, had gotten very good at penetrating the present and not overthinking my decisions. I had built myself a pretty solid frame, in which I am the prize. I had lifted religiously three times a week. But suddenly, it looked as if it had been all for nothing.


It seemed all over, but I could feel that it was not.


In just a split-second, the training kicked in.


It takes control of my body, and without even thinking, I open the door. She’s there, waiting for the elevator to come. I step out of the apartment and close the door behind me, without realising that I have just shut off the only source of light in the corridor. I find myself in complete darkness, with the image of Jennifer still printed on my retina. My body is still in charge, I’m deep inside the present moment and my usually talkative, overthinking brain is turned completely off. I don’t have time to think, my body starts walking to the spot where I saw Jennifer, I take her in my arms, and kiss her.


The doors to the lift open, and she breaks the kiss. “Wow, you young ones are pretty daft aren’t you ? Goodbye then, this is where it stops”. But I’m on autopilot now, I’m responding to unconscious cues, I can just feel that this is not the end. “Sure, it stops here” I say, while at the same time stepping into the elevator. “You’re not coming with me” she insists – “Of course not !” I insist, stepping out of the elevator with her. We’re in the street now, and she’s laughing and saying that I must turn back, and I keep agreeing with her while doing the opposite of what I’m saying. We come to her car, she gets in. “You’re not coming in” – “I’d never get in such a dirty car anyway”, while walking around to the passenger side.


As I’m doing this, I know that this is the critical point of no return, and that I might run into some real resistance if she’s serious about not taking me home. But just as I mentally prep for a potential rejection, I see her extend her arm and unlock the passenger door from inside. Watch her actions, not her words. So I get in. She looks at me, with a half surprised, half amused look on her face. “We’re not sleeping together tonight” she insists – “Of course not ! I just want to have a cup of tea, why’d you have to be thinking about sex all the time ?” I answer. She laughs, but mainly to herself – “[Mo’s mum] is gonna make fun of me for weeks…” she sighs, shaking her head, but with the slight, amused smile still on her face.


And with that, she starts the car.


I didn’t have my phone with me, I didn’t know the city at all, I didn’t know this 40 years old woman, but off we went, into the darkness, to her house. You can guess the rest. She later told me I was by far the youngest man she’d been with, relatively speaking.



Lessons learned


  • Want what you want. People most often don’t know what they want, and are just waiting for someone who already wants something to convince them of getting onboard with them. Just as Mo’ convinced me to come with him to his mother’s party, I convinced Jennifer to take me home. To convince someone, you must show, loud and clear, your own persuasion. The shit-tests/ASD I had to pass through were sincere. You could tell that she didn’t expect to take me home. She didn’t see herself coming home with a guy as young as I, so she needed convincing : exactly like I didn’t see myself going to a middle-aged party in another city. Mo’ convinced me by showing me his will and conviction that it would be fun, I convinced Jennifer by showing her my will, and conviction that we would have fun.


  • Actions, not words. During the whole duration of the close, not once did I speak “the truth”. Everything single word I uttered was contradicted by my very actions. I kept on repeating I was not going home with her, that she was the one who had shamelessly hit on me… In a way, this helped me get into the “watch her actions, not her words” frame of mind. Words didn’t convey meaning anymore, I was emptying them of any power over me, by actively acting against them. I didn’t realise it at the time, but this technique is extremely powerful. You convince her, as well as yourself, that you are the prize, while at the same time weakening any words she might say against you, since words have lost meaning.


  • NoFap has a definitely strong effect on me. I cannot speak for everyone, but I must admit that restraining from masturbation is doing wonders for my self-confidence and general drive. It’s hard to explain, and it might be a placebo effect, but it definitely feels like all the energy I’m keeping in, is finding other ways to get out. When I stepped out the door of the apartment to find Jessica, it had been 2 months since my last orgasm. I am convinced that the energy I had stored up is what pushed me to walk up to her and just go in for a kiss : I’m usually a pretty confident guy, but not that much. If you lack self-confidence and general drive, I would definitely recommend you try 90 days without porn and masturbation, and even if you have a girl at the moment, that you restrain from climaxing at all (look into tantric sex if you have a girl).


  • Rejection is better than regret. That one’s a classic, but I have to write it down again. Man, when I found myself in front of the closed door, I was so frustrated… I could already feel the night of regret that awaited me if I turned around and accepted the situation. All these failures that I had experienced in the past because I had pussied out, are what stung me out of my stupor, and pushed me to open the door.


  • Surround yourself with energetic, charismatic people. You might have noticed that Mo’ played a role at every stage of this story. He pushed me to come with him, he showed me that one could have fun even in such an apparently desolate setting, and finally, he pushed me out of the door by forbidding me to stay over. He is one of my greatest friends, and I have learned so much around him I can hardly imagine who I would be today if we hadn’t met.


  • TRP changed my life for the better, and I’m only just starting. I still have much to learn, but I can already say : TRP turned my life around. So thank you.