Hi. I just came across this sub a few days ago. I'm f/22 and got married 2 years ago. My relationship fits almost perfectly with RPW ideas already (I feel lucky regarding this) but I've gotten some good tips from here.

One thing I've realized recently is that I need to dress for my husband, not other women. I should take cues from what he likes, not what my friends or FFA are suggesting.

My husband loves all sorts of things that are "no-nos" among other women. He likes it when I wear strong eyeshadow and a strong lip sometimes. He likes it when I sometimes wear a bra that is not well fitting according to ABraThatFits (dat butt cleavage). And he sure as hell doesn't give a fuck about designer brands. A feminine purse from Target is as attractive (if not more) to him than a Chanel bag. He likes it when I wear a belt to emphasize my waist even though according to FFA, that's so out of style. He doesn't like twee things that show up there all the time, like cat bags and such. Most men tend to like classic styles more, especially once you're already married. He loves it when I wear leggings as pants. He likes it when I do my nails, but doesn't really give a shit about fancy designs or ~holo~. Red is ideal.

These are just a few examples. Overall, I would say that you should dress in a way that men like, not women. Realizing this has really improved our marriage even more. Once I changed to this mindset, he was all over me. :)