Serious gym bros,

My diet and workout schedule is below.

I am trying to switch things up as far as my cut diet is concerned. My main issue is that I need to get some more carbs (something other than just vegetables) in my diet. Or maybe, I should step further back and tell you the root issue or symptom; I am having trouble falling asleep with so little carbs. I have tested this theory and when I eat other carbs (such as rice or pasta) I sleep much better and fall asleep easier. Can anyone post their cut diet so I can adjust it to my calories? Or, does anyone have any insight.

My Fitness Pal does not work for me, meal prepping does. That is because I am trying to eat mainly nutritious foods and I am not going to weigh the meat I am cooking 4 times a day, that would be ridiculous. I do not do any powders, bars or any processed garbage... and have hoes do my meal prep for me. So that is not an issue. Additionally, I love fish, but I do 3 day meal prep at a time, and on day 3 of meal prep, fish is disgusting. So I squeeze it in as a substitute for something else a couple of times a week when conducive.

Here is my current workout schedule:

  • Day 1: Upper Body Power and rock climbing (1 hour, very low intensity)
  • Day 2: Lower Body Power
  • Day 3: Boxing (1 hour, mediocre intensity)
  • Day 4: Back and Shoulders Hypertrophy
  • Day 5: Lower Body Hypertrophy and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (1 hour, mediocre to high intensity)
  • Day 6: Chest and Arms Hypertrophy
  • Day 7: Rest or run 2+ miles

Here is my current diet. (I am 30, I weigh about 230ish right now, 6'3 and between 12 and 15 percent BF):

4 whole eggs

150 grams of blueberries

23g carb

23g fat

30g prot

405 cal


200 grams avacado

50 grams almonds

220 grams chicken breast

28g carb

61g fat

80g prot

950 cal


5 ounces ground beef

200 grams green beans

15g carb

23g fat

38g prot

420 cal


140 grams ground turkey

125 grams green beans

100 grams sweet potato

100 grams broccoli

30g carb

19g fat

43g prot

453 cal



120g carb

128g fat

195g prot

2350 cal