Hey guys so weird situation here. I'm a university senior, for context. I've been vibing with this girl for a couple of days, my intention was to add her to my rotation of plates (currently two). She's very interested.

So today I invite her over to my place, she sees my student ID on the table, her mood completely changes, she goes cold. She asks me why I've never told her my surname because, turns out, we literally have the exact same surname. Wtf, right. This completely ruined everything. She tells me that her feelings haven't really changed but she just has to think. I was completely taken aback and I probably said a total of four words after that and she had to leave. What the fuck man I was so down to plate her. Fuck.

My question here is, what would you guys do in a similar situation? We aren't related at all. If she comes around should I plate her still or is it a lost cause?

Edit: she showed me her ID cause I couldn't believe it. 100% true, same spelling, pronounciation, everything.