I was blue pill, white knight. She needed rescuing, I saved her. She saw how fast I connected with her daughter, "forgot her pill" and "accidentally took our condom out of the garbage into the bathroom with her after I passed out"... same old story (flush your condoms).

She always came out as bi, but when I left her she came out as... no gender? (claims to be bi, but claims no gender, so... is she an alien?...). 3 years together proved that she was straight and curious... she's riding a trend. Anyways, A few cameras and recordings won me 50% custody. Her on camera throwing her 2 year old across the room by the hair of her head for standing in front of the TV while she was fighting a boss in her videogame got me, "She will try not to do that again again" by CPS, and "Sometimes being a mom is hard" from the female judge who watched it.

She has taken them to pride events. So my 9 year old daughter is seeing full grown men in rainbow, assless chaps waving his junk in her face and of course she's asking, "wtf is that?". My ex has created a commune. There are 3 or 4 men, all identifying as bi, and at least 3 women, bi, and their children, all living in MY HOUSE, a 3 bedroom. The children have been cramped into one room. My 9 year old has been sharing a bed with an 8 year old boy, and.. well, you can imagine what started to happen.


My 9 year old had requested a break from her sister, which was strange, never once happening before, so I took my 4 year old alone. She told me, as we went to the park, that she was strong at opening doors and getting stronger (I push my kids to do shit on their own, I have a heavy door). When I congratulated her, she told me that "I'm getting strong because "8 year old name" hit me right here, with his balls and penis." and motioned towards her crotch.

Called the ex immediately, got a SOB story. It was all played down when we met to talk about it together. My 4 year old thought she was in trouble. When mom showed up, lips went shut, and she wouldn't touch it. Then mom told me that our eldest (9) had been fooling around with her friends kid because they shared a bed. "this is normal, all 9 year olds do this",she said.

I was furious. This had been going on FOR WEEKS. I called CPS: " This is normal behavior and you should only intervene when and if one of the children become uncomfortable..."....She then told me to "Use google to re-educate" myself.And they all refused to go on about my 4 year old mentioning names and parts.

I am livid. Weeks later, I know I'm not wrong. My girls won't open up to me. I slightly pressed my eldest and hit a brick wall when she said "Mom said I can't", and she looked down, scared, which SHE NEVER FUCKING DOES EVEN WHEN I"M BEING STRICT.

I had control until this. The law is on her side, and my girls are terrified to talk to me!!!! She just dyed their hair against their will. They showed up a week before school with purple and green hair and asked if I could get it out.

WTF do I do?

Wtf even happened? 20 years ago these psychos would have had their children put where they belong.