Genetic material does not care about the individuals quality of life that it is attached to. A gene will betray its own owner in order to perpetuate itself in a evolutionary game with no real victory condition. The male praying mantis allows itself to be eaten because it improves his offsprings chances of survival, and he has evolved to become lethargic and turn off his own survival instincts after sex to this end.

In much the same way, a human beta male is predisposed to jump through endless bullshit hoops, work himself to death, tolerate all manner of disrespect, and generally sacrifice his own quality of life in order to get access to sex and reproduction because women are it's gatekeepers. But we just so happen to be the smartest animal on the entire planet, and with it comes what I like to call "intellectually induced sexuality". Our natural inclination might be beta behavior, but we observe the sexual marketplace like our ancestors observed the grassy plains to hunt, and we look for patterns and information to be efficient in our endeavors.

This is the Red Pill in a nutshell, and the reason why men who could benefit from it find it far too easy to reject it is because it is counter to their natural inclinations. They haven't observed for themselves and judged fairly the sexual marketplace. Its only when they get burned, it's only when "Men Aren't Happy" as Archwinger put it, that they seek the truth.

Don't allow your natural inclinations to betray you, recognize your genome for what it is.