Maybe of some of you guys have enjoyed some of my recent satire. Perhaps it has gone unappreciated. Recently I've been experimenting with different writing styles as it's hard to write something down for thousands of strangers to read and to have the message interpreted sincerely.

Now a days we don't hear much about Honor. It seems to have been left behind in the days of house wife's and dueling at the clock tower at noon. Gone are the concerns of what our word is worth, what we are worth as men. The idea that your time has a value, and that you shouldn't give it to just anyone who ask's for it. The idea that even if you're hungry for something you're not going to break down and lose sense of yourself because of your desires.

These are some of the stoic virtues that western society was founded upon. Have you not considered that blaming another man for your misfortunes is dishonorable - even if that man is your own father.

Has it not occurred to you that you should show restraint in matters of desire - and not be overwhelmed by them like a dog hounding to be fed and drooling at the sound of a bell - even if you have not eaten in a great while.

Have you not considered that the mere acceptance by a woman is not passage nor acceptance into what constitutes manhood, and that satisfaction of your desires is not the path of amounting to something.

Have you considered that you have yet to prove yourself as a man, and that your barking for recognition of other men will never qualify you into manhood.

Were you thinking merely of yourself and not of your fellow man? The men who have brought you up and raised you, the one's who have stuck their necks out for you - and the ones who have shielded you from misfortune.

Read this how you wish, but many of you do not yet meet the stoic standards of manhood or masculinity.

Check out Epictetus: The Handbook for a straightforward and short book and how to not live your life a giant pussy.