Yes- he consistently makes informed logical choices that benifit the entire group. He has good social skills and is sensitive to you needs. He is experienced in leading others and is considered well educated and able to work independently. He respects others intrinsic value and is open to listening to others.

No- He is impulsive, uninformed, has bad social skills, selfish, is manipulative, controlling, does not value others knowledge, can not let others lead, does not seek help when lost. Lacks a natural ability to sense others emotions, lacks natural intelligence. Is a dick.

I see so many women struggling with this. Being told that submission is a religious thing or they should give up feminism, jeez it hurts my head to hear.

I never was into following a mans lead until I started dating a surgeon. He is a man who is a great leader, intelligent, compassionate, respectful, and willing to give me his very best every day.

This has made me strive every day to be a better person. I feel like I am making the world a better place just getting him coffee. I make his life easier so he can literally save people's lives. Together we are both better. When I need guidance he would be THE person I would seek it from.

My whole life I have never been able to understand why any sane woman would give up control to a man... Turns out I didn't know any "men" I dated mommas boys, man children, fuck boys, losers, stoners, leeches etc.

It's not about giving men respect. Its about finding a man you CAN respect. Don't get caught in that trap that they are all equal. Men have a hierarchy for a very good reason.