"You can either be happy or have your freedom. You usually can't have both."

"But I want to be happy and free!"

Growing up, I had a dream of freedom. I hated authority and didn't want to be a slave to anyone or anything.

I did some time in jail at the fresh ol' age of 18. One year was lost.

The system successfully extinguished my fire. I had become docile. Video games and chasing pussy were all i had left.

I grew fat and lazy. I was engaged to an average girl. I had a home and a "good job."

Then my dad asked me "well son, are you happy yet?"

I know he knew the answer. I looked at him, frustration and confusion on my face.

"No." I replied.

"I know this is what everyone wants in life, but then why am i so indifferent about all these things?"

"Because this isnt a great life, son. Its mediocre."

"The truth is, son, i dont think you'll ever be happy. Because you dont want to be happy."

Happiness in today's society is the neutralizing agent thats been weaponized by the matrix. Happiness kills drive. It kills ambition. It kills dreams.

It kills any desire for change. Why would you even want to change anything? Youre supposed to be happy right?

Anger is the catalyst for great change. It is the spark that ignites the potential within all of us.

Too many people waste anger on hating themselves and yet they dont do a single thing to change anything about their circumstances.

Now youre wondering if anger is such a great tool, how can it be so destructive to ourselves?

The answer is simple: fear.

Fear of consequences. Fear of the unknown. Fear is the mind killer.

Youve been conditioned to be afraid of change.

But humans didn't evolve to remain in a homeostatic state. They evolved to change. To adapt. To overcome. To survive regardless of circumstances.

When i learned this myself. "No" became my favorite word.

"No" i will not hold the door open.

"No" i will not work that extra shift.

"No" i will not accept this shitty situation.

"No" i will not be your bitch, your wallet, your doormat, or your slave.

I was happy again, but a different kind of happy.

I was happy to be angry.

I was happy to be fighting.

I was happy to be challenged.

I felt free.

I went back to my dad years later and said "i dont think ill ever be "happy," dad, and thats ok."

Because i learned when youre "happy" in this world, you might as well be dead.

Dont be afraid to be unhappy. Be afraid of being happy. Because i guarantee that there's work you need to do on yourself. And if youre happy with your pitiful existence, then you will never change.