How do you know what a girl has or has not done with other guys, especially in the early phases of a sexual relationship?

Are women volunteering their sexual history? Are you just making assumptions?

And why does it matter what she did or didn’t do with other guys on a line-item basis? Why don’t you just establish from the outset your sexual expectations and if she fails to meet them leave?

When a girl says ‘I don’t like blowjobs’ does your mind immediately go to all the cocks you assume she sucked before?

When she says ‘I don’t like anal’ why do you assume she loved it and is refusing to give it up to you because you are not chadly enough?

If you need anal and blowjobs to be happy fair enough but why are you making it about her? It comes off as childish if you say ‘but she gave it up for Chad!’

Edit: to be clear I’m not talking about her n-count I’m talking about specific sexual acts she engaged in previously