There seems to be a demographic of dudes around reddit that feel their lives will not improve until women "take action" and fix it for them.

They ignore the adages about how hard it is to be loved if you don't love yourself first (meaning they just... sit around waiting for someone to come along and love them first?) They claim that the only reason men clean is because women nag them to (not only inaccurate, but also insulting since some men are perfectly capable of keeping house), they complain that women are selfish and lazy and incapable of love, but also seem to desperately be hoping a woman will come along and "sell him" on marriage.

"Women have women-only shelters, why aren't they building men-only shelters?" (Except they do nothing on their own to build men's shelters; just want women to build them.)

"Women have all these body-positivity movements, but no one says anything positive about men's bodies!" (Except they are also extremely negative about men's bodies - so they just want... women to have a male positivity movement for them?)

This isn't really a part of RP or BP that I can tell (though I'm still not entirely sure of what BP even looks like). So why is this narrative so prevalent? This shit wasn't happening 20-some years ago when I was a teenager. Dudes were less caught up on GQ "Chad" supermodels and they were more often trying to emulate the Don Juan models of trying to be... y'know. Interesting and competent and fun/memorable.

Is this just another product of kids getting raised on the internet or something? I literally can't fathom the sort of passivity necessary to sit in your room and just wait for someone to break down the door to come fix your life for you. If you don't go outside, you can't complain you don't get the benefits of the sun, yanno?