There was a time when parents understood that letting your kids sit in front of a screen instead of playing with peers would mess them up

If your kids don't socialize in developmental years , they will struggle to catch up later

Here's a comment from /u/Gravel_Roads in a thread i made a while back

I wish there was a more nuanced dialogue about how much social experience people "choose" to have when going through their developmental years. The reason low-tier men don't associate with the concept of how "Chad" lives his life is the same reason a nervous 14 year old kid learning to drive for the first time in the Walmart parking lot can't conceive of being a racecar driver.

This doesn't mean that same kid can't also be a racecar driver, it just means that he has not yet had the necessary years of experience learning how to drive.

The problem is that some kids get started on gaining this sort of social experience when they are two years old, when their parents introduce them to other people and teach them how to integrate into a social setting. Other kids are never taught this; their parents don't teach them how to socialize (not on purpose, but because they often also don't know how, or even that they have to), so these kids grow up and then have to start the learning process as adults. Which is harder. Not impossible, but harder, and they're stunted against all the adults who learned ot socialize young. So the opportunities to learn are more limited.

He gets it.

A more recent comment from /u/GridReXX

Millions of boys across the country are almost fully socialized on deep forums, Twitch, Reddit, Xbox / ps1 / pc gaming servers; and they don’t play sports or hang with friends outside of that to offset it. If that’s what you partake in 80% of your life from 6-22, you’re not going to be socially attuned and you’re going to come off weird to most.

And yes I do think smart parents force their kids out of that. It’s not “90s”. It’s literally a topic of conversation for anyone with kids now lol.

This coming off weird part is especially important as could explain why some men struggle with women. Coming off weird is a death sentence because it gives women creep vibes.

I think the hard part of becoming "alpha" or good with women for these men isn't the lifting, or the dressing well. That's pretty straight forward. Detail guides exist for that. It's the fact they have no clue how to flirt. No internet guide can truly teach you how to flirt. And to learn they are going to have to brute force their way through many many rejections until they learn.