I'm not saying there are no "good" girls out there. But for this post, I want to look at the middle of the bell curve. Cut out the tails on either end and look in the middle. The average population.

Let's use a conservative definition of "good girl." Low partner count and no past of sexual/slutty behavior." (not my personal definition but I'm thinking in terms of average American society)

So many men think their girl is a "good girl." Really, they just met her in a good girl context where it was in her best interest to act that way and hold up that identity. Women change how they act based on the environment they are in. Meeting a total stranger off tinder? More sexual. With one girlfriend at the bar picking up dudes. Still sexual. Meeting a guy through friends or work. Much less sexual.

Nearly every girl I know has gotten into some freaky sexual behavior but doesn't like to admit it. It always comes out after a few drinks or the right trust has been established. Yet, they act like a good girl in the right context with the right guy. Naturally, it varies between girls but the context matter significantly.

I'm very sex positive and really don't give a fuck if a girl is very sexual. Actually, I prefer it. However, I've found that after a girl realizes I'm not going to judge her, the sexual stories and fantasies come out.

Naturally, this isn't the only factor and the type of guy plays a large role too but, it's a large one.

Let me know if you think I'm wrong or there are any holes in this theory. Interested to hear what everyone has to say.

Edit: So I want to clarify, I intended for this post to be more about men's flawed view and not so much a judgment on women. Women are sexual. It's natural.

Additionally, we are isolating for context. The same girl would act differently depending on the context she is in and most men think that's not true.

Let's say there are two men of approximately equal value. One she met through friends at work, another she met at the bar. The one from work she goes on a date with and doesn't sleep with until date 2-4. The guy from the bar she sleeps with that night. It's essentially the same guy, the only variable is the environment. (I'm not saying all women are going to sleep with someone upon first meeting but I'm using it as an example of a sexual encounter many men would be uncomfortable with their girlfriends engaging in)

With that being said, a guy could do the same thing. He meets a girl at work vs a girl at the bar. He deludes himself into thinking the girl from work is girlfriend material but the girl from the bar is slutty. She is the same girl but his perception is different based on how quickly she slept with him.

I think the idea of making the average guy wait to sleep with a girl is a good idea. Guys tend to select for sexually conservative women in LTRs. It makes sense from an evolutionary perspective. Men don't want to provide for a baby that isn't theirs so they look for women they think won't sleep around on them. Most people are bad judges of character though so it's not about if that person can keep their word, they just select for a less sexual woman.

The point I'm trying to make is, most of these women who men think do not have it in them, for one reason or another, to be sexual or sexual with someone else, are actually the girl at the bar they wouldn't have dated in the first place. The fault isn't in the women, the fault is in the men for having an unrealistic view on life.