We regularly get a post that sparks a discussion around why women will sleep with some men right away while making other men wait. Various theories have been offered, with varying degrees of viability.

Some say that the reason for doing this is avoiding slut shaming. Women want “relationship” guys to respect them, and fear that if they have sex right away the man will think she’s a slut and not be interested. Obviously this doesn’t apply to fuckboys, women don’t care about their respect.

Others believe women find chad so irresistible that she can’t say no to him, and billy beta has to wait simply because he isn’t as attractive. He has to provide value in order to have a chance.

I have another theory: It is ingrained into women’s psyche, either through genetic code or social conditioning, to use sex as a mechanism or control in romantic relationships. Even if a woman wants to have sex with “relationship” guy, she will withhold, because she feels compelled to control and define the sexual nature of the relationship.

This is why women are more enthusiastic about sex with fuckboys, will give sex with greater frequency, and are willing to engage in more adventurous activities with them. If they do these things with relationship guy, and that guy ends up becoming long term, he might expect this level of sexual activity long term. From the woman’s point of view this is not acceptable.