In a cross-sectional study of college students, Grello et al. (2006) found that women who had engaged in casual sex reported more distress than virgins or women who had engaged in sex with only romantic partners. In contrast, men who had engaged in casual sex had lower levels of distress than virgins or men who had engaged in sex with only romantic partners. Distress increased for women, but not for men, as the number of partners increased.

Casual sex occurred more often between "friends" rather than with strangers. Depressive symptoms were associated with engaging in casual sex differently for males and females. Males who engaging in casual sex reported the fewest symptoms of depression and females who had a history of casual sex reported the most depressive symptoms. Frequencies of affectionate and genital behaviors were associated with expectations of the relationship, the relationship to the partner, infidelity, and the individual's relationship style. Results are discussed in light of evolutionary and socio-cultural theories of sexuality.

I am continually surprised by the number of people here who think that casual sex affects men and women similarly, despite the relevant data suggesting otherwise. While it remains entirely possible for depressive women to engage in casual sex, I do think there is a causality between continually engaging in these acts and depression, although I'm not entirely convinced.

Ultimately, it doesn't seem to matter though. The women with the highest n-counts will be the most depressed, while the men with the highest n-counts will be the least depressed.

If you believe no causality - why do you think depressed women engage in casual sex?

If you believe in causality - what about casual sex makes women, and not men, distressed?