So today as many of you I really enjoyed GayLubeOil’s post on black knighting, and as a bonus it also got me thinking. While I was figuring out how to fuck with a couple of hyper feminist girls I know an idea hit me.

What has changed in western society that made hypergamy rampant and unchecked? Mostly the liberalization of sexual market. A woman can fuck around and no one will judge her for it. We can’t fight this, but there is a point in which everyone of us can actually do something.

Cheating. As we all know, the more you fuck around the less loyal you’re going to be in future relationships. While more tolerated than 50 years ago cheating is still considerated one if not the biggest deal breaker in a couple, even for betas.

The next step is obvious. The biggest way to blackknight is surely not allowing a girl to have her cake and eat it to. We need to start slut shaming again women when they cheat.

Let me show you an example. I’m currently studying abroad and there is this girl that Is from the same country I’m from. In the 3 months we’ve been here she fucked (that I know of) 2 other guys. She has a boyfriend back at home, and when he visited her she was super sweet and acting like the cutest girlfriend ever. AWALT. I don’t really give a fuck about him or her, but as soon as I get home I’ll write him what happened. If he believes me or her it’s his choice, I will do what I know it’s right. I might get her angry or the bf could just tell me to fuck off. Who cares.

Hypergamy is what lead many of us here, so I think it’s pretty logical to try to fight it. How many betas in the world would’ve skipped a devastating divorce, how many babies would’ve not been born and had divorced parents, how many women would’ve been fucked over if everyone did that? We can’t fix the world alone but when we consider that telling a guy, even anonymously, it’s not going to cost us much, I think it’s worth.

Obviously if you have a plate and enjoy fucking her you’re not going to tell the boyfriend. I’m fine with that. There is always that guy that doesn’t fuck married women, and I think this is the next step. If we really cared we should stop fucking women in a relationships, but that would just mean they’d fuck the next alpha they meet, which it’s just a lose-lose situation.

Instead telling the cheated man it’s a clear win. If you fear something just do it anonymously. He might not believe you but atleast you tried.

Bring back slut shaming.