I'm a 23 year old incel, and I stumbled upon trp, and was slightly interested to see if any of it might help me. However, from reading the posts and theory, it seems most is really just based on selected anecdotes and heuristics (awalt, af/bb) that serve to confirm a terper's beliefs without evidence. The studies shown are normally debunked, not replicated, or misleading. An example would be someone posting a field report of a woman doing something "awalty" and everyone just responding yeah, yeah awalt based on an unconfirmed anecdote from some random terper on the internet.

I lifted and have been focusing on my own improvement before trp. The true things from trp like lifting/self-improvement/confidence are things you can get from any self-improvement and not just from trp.

I just don't seem to buy the red pill, and I am wondering why so many seem to gravitate towards it when it really is just a collection of self-improvement techniques and circlejerk over biased anecdotes and heuristics that aren't scientific or logical in anyway.