Thanks to modern culture we have gained lots of freedoms but lost lots of security. There was a time when a wife knew her role, a husband knew his role and everyone from the kids to the grandparents knew where they stood. So long as they followed the norms, they were guaranteed an identity. Today everything is up for grabs. We have gained boat loads of autonomy, but have lost our identities. Nobody knows their role anymore.

Ergo, each modern family is a wasp's nest of negotiations. Whose job is it to take the trash out, initiate sex, make the money, bathe the kids, provide emotional support, forgive certain transgressions (which transgressions are forgivable, which aren't)?......and on and on and on.

We can no longer fall back on the traditional roles. We have unprecedented freedom yet so many of us are so lonely.

The winners are the flexible negotiators. CMV.