This guy posted to /r/relationships and /r/dating_advice saying he prefers to date younger women because they'll stay attractive for a few more years opposed to women his own age. While this isn't always the case (staying attractive), it's generally true.

That could definitely be perceived as shallow and immature, but to say that he is a misogynist because of that makes no sense.

You are being pretty misogynistic because you're focusing almost exclusively on women's looks when it comes to age, and that's kind of gross.

So you want a younger woman because you think they’ll look younger for just a few more years? You’re a misogynistic piece of shit.

The Red-Pill explanation for these comments is clear and simple. These commenters are likely women who are close in age to the OP's sister, and through female solipsism share the same insecurities of approaching the Wall, so they use Feminist buzzwords such as 'misogynist' to shame the OP. Their clock is ticking out. OP isn't a misogynist at all.

What is a more likely and reasonable answer: is the OP a misogynist (Feminist answer) or are the users accusing him of being one simply insecure themselves of approaching the Wall (Red-Pill answer)?