Have any of you considered leaving country to avoid child support? If so please share if considering or have already done so.


The story of the day is going to hit home with many of you and what has all gone through your mind, involving child support.

Although this isn't an option for some men that have already formed a bond with their child. For the men that has unexpectedly gotten that text from an ex wife or one night stand that they are pregnant. All your dreams and ambitions come crashing down with the thought of how much this will cost you or even if you can survive this form of support bankruptcy.

One father in Ontario decided to leave his family, because the court decision was so ludicrous. He left the country inorder to avoid paying $3772.00 per month His wife got sole custody of the kids and family home valued at 1.2 million with 600 thousand mortgage. He was able to work a deal that got him 175 thousand out of the equity. After 3 years work trouble arose and he couldnt make the payments and the court ordered him to pay spousal support, including retroactive support and court costs! Despite the fact she already has two thirds of the family home!

The husband recognized the house of cards was crumbling sold his house, cashed in his pension, paid his bills and moved to the phillippines. A country with no support treaty with Ontario. Freedom!

He wrote a letter to his wife saying..

“The result of the legal instrument which you recently designed and implemented is that there is no possibility of a comfortable life or a (secure) retirement for me in Canada at all. Therefore, I have left the country to seek greener pastures elsewhere and will never return. Well done Einstein. Good luck and good bye.”