It is very easy to be comforted. To be hugged, and rocked back and forth. Be told "its going to be ok."

Well I had this my entire life. Mostly because I have asthma and strong food allergies.

However, I was always coddled, and told that "being boystrous" isnt everything. Or that "you don't have to go to the gym" etc etc.

I live in a family where all the middle aged men are overweight. My dad is the fattest man I know. Seriously, its embarassing.

He works hard, but his relationship with my mum is abusive, hes spineless and most of all hes incredibly overweight.

Is it any wonder whatsoever I was blue pill? No fucking way.

That generation aswell as we know, grew up differently.

I hate to say it, but I want to be the opposite of my father. Tougher, stronger, fitter, masculine, you get the picture.

TRP exists for men like me. Who don't have that man everyday who can inspire you, like Pacino does in Any Given Sunday. Or Will Smith in the Pursuit of Happiness.

We are a direct results of our parents upbringing, but blaming it on them is easy and pointless.

Lift weights, get healthy, learn game, get a style, sleep with lots of women, get heartbroken, chase your dreams and most of all:

Never fucking give up