TL;DR: BP and other anti-RP people basically use their platforms not to engage with RP about the merits of sexual strategy, but just to shit on low-SMV men because it feels good to them.

Notice how whenever certain shit posts like this turn up the narrative is always something about butthurt, bitter, spergy neckbeards who feel entitled to models and hate women because they don't get models. It's never about RP principals themselves, or the fact that many average and 'successful' men still find themselves in the world of RP for whatever reasons; guys who have the confidence to approach women but have weak style and game, guys who can get dates but fail to close the deal, guys in LTRs but who are uncertain and have weak frame, or they feel that their LTRs are lackluster and unfulfilling, maybe they're tired of being boyfriends all the time and just want to get better at scoring ONS and casual hookups, etc,..point is tons of 'normal' men can and do appreciate RP.

Instead, the focus from BP is always about the low-SMV and incel men who bitch and moan. Yes, RP is full of them, no one denies that, but to characterize all of RP in that light is arguing in bad faith because it shows that the person is ignoring the valid points within RP and why even average/non-spergy men would apply certain strategies and is only emphasizing on the loud omega/FA types who can't be bothered to get off the couch and expect an HB8 to fall into their lap in order to paint a biased picture. That's a weak strawman that bloopers keep throwing around because for some reason they don't to seem to like to arguing about the RP strategies themselves and instead just want to shit all over low-SMV men. They're essentially bullies who sadistically enjoy kicking guys on the ground and enforcing their "place" in the hierarchy. It's rather ironic because it actually exposes and confirms RP's assertion that is a sexual hierarchy despite the frequent denial from BP, to me at least they're basically saying:

"Yeah shitlord, I'm great and you're not. I have it easy and you don't, and you should just go fuck yourself because no one owes you shit! the fact that you're even complaining means you're entitled and don't respect women, lol go kill yourself faggot!"

People like that are the reason why there are so many guys who find themselves reading RP in the first place, and the fact that the mods keep allowing this shit to fly is telling.