In my opinion, the "small subset" of women that you refer to are ACTUALLY women who will like you as is, without being in shape or confident or following TRP. Before finding TRP and building a better understanding of women, as well as human nature in general, it was only a SMALL SUBSET of women who gave me the time of day as I was: Shy, skinny, unconfident, no ambition and no flirting skills. And they weren't that attractive either.

The majority of women (including you) want a lot more than that.

Why do you keep saying TRP works on and predicts female behavior in only a small subset of women when CLEARLY it's the opposite?

If what you say is true, why did I only have moderate success when I held "Blue Pill" beliefs and had to rely on luck to have any sort of female attention? Why was I dumped within a couple days before TRP but can now hold relationships for months because of TRP? Why is TRP proving to be more accurate than you make it out to be?

Main question is why you think the women TRP applies to is an insignificant, tiny number? It's actually not such a small subset.