I'm making a post about this, because its a thought that is continuously popping into my head when I'm reading posts/comments on here or posts linked from TRP.

There seems to be this pervasive belief amongst redpill types, about what it is like to live your life as a woman. There seems to be a belief that:

  • Women don't really have to pay for anything much. Drinks, clothes, tickets to events, even food and rent.

  • Women don't have to work, really. People just give them jobs because they wave an affirmative action slogan, and when they're there they can just piss around and no one would ever dare to say anything about that.

  • Women don't have to work hard in school and higher education. Again with affirmative action. Apparently it comes naturally to women to sit silently studying for hours and hours every night relentlessly studying, because all boys have ADHD and all women are diligent modern academia machines. Or we fuck professors of something.

  • Women aren't judged for anything. This is kind of the important one. Women can do whatever they like, because the prevailing cultural attitude is 'women are strong powerful and fantastic, everything they do it part of this, they can do no wrong'. No one will ever call you out about anything.

  • Any woman deemed vaguely attractive can do these things. Like, just don't be 250lb and occasionally put out and people will give you the world. No real effort has to go in to this.

Its very hard for most women to engage in any discussion where people are talking like this - because it just seems ridiculous. You're there waking up at 5.30am to drag your exhausted ass to work, ignoring the 1000th fun thing you want to do because you have to stay in and study if you want to get anywhere, trying to figure out why your partner is pissed at you this time, exhausted but dragging yourself to spin because not working out at least 4 times a week makes you a bad person. And you're told on here that guys really feel the pressure of society to be successful alphas, but somehow all the pressure you feel - from your family, friends, colleagues, community, is a lie. Because you could just easily beat out all the similar thinking pretty girls to fuck a rich dude and be done with it, and then be impervious to every moral lesson you have been told about not being the girl that does that?

And then... the judging thing. Everything you do is affirmed by a group of friends, family and women in general who want to keep up 'everything women do it fantastic!' because it also applies to them? Bullshit. People will judge the shit out of you for everything you do. Get paid little? Failure and/or freeloader. Get paid a lot? Bitchy cold career woman. Have kids early? "Aw its nice that she is happy but I mean, her kids will have to put up with a silly little inexperienced girl mother". Have kids later? "Hope your kids enjoying have a tired out career bitch not giving a shit about them."

Personally, I've never really had guys buy me drinks. I know girls who have guys buy them drinks on the regular. They hang out near the bar making eyes at all the guys that come by until one caves and buys them a G&T. Then they have awkward boring conversation with the guy they don't like until they've finished, then on to the next one. All other girls - HB5s, HB9s, 18 year olds and 25 year olds, buy their own fucking drinks. Or at least where I'm from. You have the choice of engage in making money and living your own life or sucking up for drinks. I've seen the gilded cage trophy wives - we fought to get away from that for a reason. Relying on the generosity of someone else's whim for your survival is a horrible way to live your life, if you're a conscious human with ideas and opinions. There is a reason women pick working 8am-7pm scanning groceries rather than 'go to the gym, get a boob job, get a perm, marry rich' and it is that. At least all your emotional and personal value doesn't lie in the boss who is paying you to scan tomatoes for £7 an hour.

I suppose... and this is my real point here, I'm not even complaining about this. Life is hard - you work hard, you try and enjoy it, no one really appreciates you, and then you die. That is the way life works, for the vast majority of people. At most you appreciate some beautiful sunsets, read some fulfilling novels, teach your beloved kid how to tie their shoelaces.
And it is both hilarious and bothers me that some of you RP guys don't think that is true for women as well. But that is all most of us get, and we all have to be grateful when we get a chance to be rewarded for our hard work.

I'm going to go ahead and postulate why that is - people don't really appreciate where other people are coming from. Has anyone ever worked in a team environment? Basically everyone thinks they are doing the most work and trying the hardest, while everyone else coasts on their efforts. You'll sit there and you'll watch 10 people all make a serious argument for how they are the most hardworking/enthusiastic/put upon and no one else understands. Or they'll be the 'alpha' that just sits there smugly thinking that they look the best out of everyone, next to the next 'alpha' who is thinking the same thing. Basically we struggle, as a species, with modelling each other's perspectives.
Thats ok... but once we gender generalise, it gets silly.

We can't just get whatever shit we want by manipulating it out of poor defenceless men. Unless you're a beautiful nordic supermodel and also a sociopath. Less than perfect and a vague notion of right and wrong? You're down in the bullpen rat-race with the rest of the motherfuckers.