Let's not fool ourselves: while most in this sub should be realistic enough to be aware that they won't change anyone's mind (maybe except those of the lurkers on the fence), I guess that deep down people regardless of pill color would feel a swell of satisfaction if someone of the opposite side would change his or her affiliation.

Given the tendency of proselytizing among people with a progressive and/or SJW-bent, their genuine belief in a just and equal society (a society that would qualify in their eyes as such, not necessarily one that actually is) being not only possible, but actually within reach - a belief that extends to everything including laws and relationships - and their sheer horror in face of the fact that guys who hold redpill ideas actually exist, I'd wager that this stance is particularly pronounced among bluepillers - and here particularly among the younger and more political crowd.

So, my question to you: why do you think are redpillers so extremely stubborn, generally brush off most bluepill objections and dismiss their ideals? And I am not just talking about "because it works" (though you may expand on this as well if you're inclined to do so), but the fundamental disagreement that would persist regardless. Remind you: the question is not why they came to TRP in the first place, but why they don't get back into the fold.

(I'll edit this post later to throw in my 2 cents, but for the moment I just want you to bounce off your ideas)

By the way, I think it's really interesting that an overall pretty harmless question that isn't even a loaded one gets heavily downvoted.