"Don't be humble, you're not that great."

- Golda Meir

In order to conquer our fear of failure, we must fully embrace our fallibility as men. To be human is to err. How could we ever be Great, to grow into something more, unless we've failed?

A Man must fall in order to rise.

Accept your mistakes. Embrace them. Conquer them. If you truly want to be successful, then be prepared to fail often. The more you fail, the better you are at dealing with failure, and the more willing you are to take risks. Let failure be your most useful tool, rather than a roadblock on your path to success. Take risks...lots of them. Test your abilities and push your boundaries at all times. It's in our masculine nature.

Think about the man, a previous friend perhaps, who's the biggest waste of life you know. Does he ever take big risks? Does he have a gigantic ego, does he vigilantly overlook his personal flaws, so that he has an excuse to never actually do anything about them? Does he act like he's always right, and that his opinions carry more weight than anyone else's? Does he constantly repeat the same mistakes he's always made?

This waste of life, gentlemen, is called the Nice Guy. He lives by his ego and inflates it with his words. He has no inner humility, otherwise he'd respect the masculine process of constant change (i.e., self improvement). He's "perfect, just as he is" and he'll never change because he's conditioned his ego to be content with mediocrity. After swallowing TRP, if there's one difference I've noticed between high-SMV men and low-SMV men, this would be it. Inner humility and the constant desire to change for the better are what separates them from the crowd.

Externally - through our interactions with others - men are better off displaying the complete opposite of humility, i.e. self-importance. Walk around like you've got a big swingin' dick. It's your God given right. If you're unable to carry yourself with pride, then what's the point of self-improvement? You are the PRIZE. Act like it. Otherwise, how you view yourself is only imposing self-limitations. And those limitations are only real because you've made them real.

Never say “I can’t do this.” Yes you can. We men have built civilizations, invented the wheel, walked on the moon, and cloned animals. You can do anything you damn well please.

In order to conquer our world, we must first conquer ourselves. If that wasn't possible, then we wouldn't be here. There'd be no point to this sub. The entire reason we're here is because modern society has tried to set the bar low for us. But in reality, there is no bar. There is only untapped potential...an infinite amount of it. It would best serve a Man to spend his entire life building himself a kingdom which he has full control over. For there is nothing else in this world that holds a higher importance than a man's Mission.

Or as /u/2comment once put it,

"Since life is meaningless, part of being a man is making your own purpose."