A lot of debate in this subreddit is about the very nature of the debate. Unsurprisingly, very little progress has been made in reconciling the differences in the two sides' contrasting dialectic approach.

The best description of the PurplePillDebate I’ve seen is Whisper’s articulate post detailing the descriptivism of Redpill vs. the prescriptivism of Bluepill. It’s worth the read and is dead-on in a lot of its analysis. Bluepillers often resort to moral arguments while Redpill tend to discard them as inconsequential and off-topic. However, I find describing the Redpill as the rational operators in contrast with the more emotional Bluepillers to be condescending, and more importantly, not entirely accurate.

As most of you know, the Redpill got its name from the popular sci-fi film, the Matrix. The scene referenced is when Morpheus gives the protagonist, Neo, a choice of either the blue pill or the redpill. To quote,

This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

The red pill and the blue pill have permeated pop culture as metaphors for painful truth and willful ignorance, respectively.

The basis of the Redpill’s self-image is that they are the rational in an irrational world. The dominant narrative on the subreddit is that the Redpill serves goggles to see through the dense fog of the feminism-controlled society at the true nature of sexual dynamics.

But are the Redpill as rational and enlightened as they think they are? A lot of Bluepillers mock the rampant use of “biotruths” and some of them have a point. The scientific etiquette on the Redpill is, by and large, appalling. Cherry-picked studies with dubious documentation litter the debate as “evidence”, and any contrary data presented is hypocritically accused of being unscientific. Confirmation bias to the max. To be clear, all these problems are just as, if not more, prevalent in Bluepillers arguments, but if the Redpill is the factual and rational alternative, they should have a more thorough scientific process.

Redpill theory is built upon field reports which should not be mistaken for scientific. They are, at best, insightful anecdotes. It’s locker room talk. Less science and more men sharing stories around the campfire. Also, the Redpill makes a lot of grand sweeping statements about the nature of women. Generally, I find most of the Redpill’s postulates accurate, but there is a non-insignificant number of outliers. No, infact, not all women are like that. So if the Redpill is not the scientific rigorous, be-all-and-end-all, description of reality that it postures to be, what good is it for?

The answer that I’ve settled with is that while the Redpill may not be 100% accurate, it is 100% useful. I’m not equipped to compare the validity of the Redpill and Bluepill perspective, but I can tell you that the dividends that I've gained from the Redpill perspective has been huge. I suspect that I’m like a lot Redpillers: grew up in a single-mother household, was thoroughly betafied by school and home alike, and struggled to have any success with women all throughout high school. We are not your natural Alpha types. We are your D&D nerds, disgruntled programmers, and social outcast. I”m close with quite a few natural alphas and the Red Pill would solicit a response of not even disgust, but just confusion. “Bro, you’re overthinking it. It ain't hard to get pussy.” Easy for you to say, varsity athlete Chad Thundercock.

A lot of detractors say that the self-help advice found on the Redpill can be found anywhere. And they would be exactly right. Even the idiot that was high school RedPillFrancis could see that being confident, being in-shape, being well-dressed were all pluses to getting laid. But it is only after the Redpill that I got off my ass, went to the gym, hit the books, and strived to actually doing something with my life. Before the Redpill, I'd always been confused. Feminism gave me a model of reality that was so obviously wrong, and I could feel something was off. But not having any contrasting viewpoints, I just kinda had to go with it. When I found the Redpill, it just sort of clicked. All that was being said so accurately described my past experiences and observations. It’s no coincidence that the Redpill attracts so many STEM types: the cold cynicism of the Redpill just appeals to us.

This why we need the Redpill. The Redpill will not accurately describe many of you. If your life experience doesn't match what the Redpill preaches, that’s fine. But for people like me, those who had been wandering the desert thirsting for life sustaining water, the Redpill is the oasis that we needed.