u/amphix339 made a good post about after sex talk but I’d like to elaborate a little and make my case for mitigating unnecessary risk for the morning/days after your one night stand (ONS).

Don’t spill your emotions

Spilling your emotional issues about your dad/mom/work whoever is bad advice, this is TRP 101. If you need to vent, talk to a trusted male friend. Make sure when you’re done, that you ask yourself “Ok, how do I solve this”. Nothing wrong with talking to your buddy to get shit off your chest and coming up with a solution. There’s a difference between expressing a real frustration/concern/problem then finding a solution, and just pure bitching about the randomness of the world that you don’t like, aka wine parties for women.

A womans world revolves around emotions, nothing else

Assuming you’ve shut your mouth and read the whole sidebar, three times, you will already know that women are ruled by their emotions, again TRP 101. That’s the reason they put on six different shirts that look the same, spend hours on their hair just for the wind to fuck it up, or gossip about stuff that have absolutely nothing to do with them. It makes them FEEL good. Their emotions rule literally everything. The core advice of giving her a dose of random emotions on your first date or some dread in an LTR takes advantage of this fact. When they feel so many emotions, especially in short bursts like a date, it drives them wild with attraction because in their mind you are one of those chill guys that just “get it”.

Think of their emotional state as a volume knob(eh) from 1 to 10. We’ll call it the FEELZ-VOLUME-KNOB(eh), or FVK. As you progress during your date that knob gets turned to 9 (laugh her ass off), to maybe a 3 (sad story about your dog that died) back to an 8 (picking her up, spinning her and kissing her) all through the night. This emotional roller coaster builds her attraction for you which leads to fucking later.

Don't fuck up her FVK with incongruent behaviour

Advice about mitigating the risk of a false accusation by sending the morning after text, going for a coffee or breakfast where you’re seen in public having a good time, is all standard here.

The common theme from the false accusation stories we read about is that the girl either regretted the sex the morning after or someone found out and she FEELZ shame, then bailing by saying she was raped to look like a victim ruining a guy’s life. That would never have happened in the majority of cases in my opinion if the guy 1) shut his mouth about who he’s fucking and 2) the girl’s FEELINGS were still turned up high and the impression of the guy was still “overall he’s good and chill” in her mind. It can’t be stressed enough that the key to you enjoying your sex life with girls who are consenting and willing is you making sure you don’t fuck up your impression she has of you by making her FEEL like a slut with incongruent behaviour.

Let’s use the example of the short period after you fucked. You spent hours (maybe minutes if you’re mr thundersmoothtalker you beast) being charming, funny, cocky, playful and making her comfortable with you while building rapport for her to follow your lead to sex. If you have this idea in your mind that you need to be “alphadogthundercock” by immediately getting up and bolting, or kicking her out, then you’re risking fucking up all the good FEELZ you built up with her and your incongruent behaviour will trigger her to regret what she did because you’re breaking the impression she has of you.

There’s nothing wrong with laying down, sweaty, her head on your chest, and talking for a few minutes. Like u/amphix339 said, don’t spill your emotional baggage. Lead the conversation, leave hook points and ask open ended questions to let her spill her guts. All you have to do is lay there, nod, say huh-uh a few times and share a meaningless fact before leading her into talking again. You won’t die, and go to Valhalla, for spending 15min relaxing and chatting with her no matter how much you want to get out of there.

Your behaviour needs to be congruent. You still have to be be the same funny, cocky, charming guy that gave her all those FEELZ. Her FVK is still turned up, she thinks you’re a cool chill guy, and she will be left with a good impression about fucking you. That’s why it’s emphasized that you develop your true self and not fake everything for the sake of pussy. To be a grounded, stable, funny, charming and cocky man should be who you really are and not a facade.

One tool to use after you drilled for oil

This is not a hard rule but I’ve found that leaving her to decide if she’s leaving/you leaving or staying over is better than you rolling the dice and telling her to leave, or making up some excuse that will clearly be obvious that you just came for the fucking. You risk fucking up her FEELZ about what she just did and she’ll feel like a slut. Regret will set in and your risk of an accusation just shot up into the air. You will survive if this ONS sleeps over and you get a coffee in the morning, or you crashing and leaving in the morning after you guys chatted some more (your behaviour stays congruent) over breakfast at some cafe.

If you leave her FEELZ-VOLUME-KNOB(eh) turned up a bit and the impression she has of you is positive, then you just mitigated unnecessary risk that could potentially work against you.

Don’t brag to people about who you’re fucking. Shut your mouth, let them talk, and reap the benefits. She might even come back to the butcher because the sausage was good.