I'll start this off by saying I've been following TRP for about 2 years now and I've made great strides towards self-improvement. Sure, I have my dips into the deep blue every now and then, but at least now I'm aware when I'm backsliding.

Essentially, I've come to the realization recently that I'm just not interested in pursuing anything with women on any level to be honest. Sure, I'm attracted to them and initially want to bang them, but when it comes to getting to know them or just entertaining their company at all, I just can't be arsed. Even when a woman is "heads over heels" for me (actions, not words btw) I just can't put myself in a position to care.

All of my focus goes to my career, my fitness, branching out into other hobbies, etc. When I'm not doing that, I value my downtime and would rather spend it alone than going out with a woman or even having them come over or whatever, because that's like a couple of hours of my free time spent entertaining someone I'm just going to get bored of in less than a month.

I don't know if I'm just being dramatic, but women seem to be losing more and more value in my eyes as the years have gone by. I have yet to find one that checks off the boxes on my (short) list of qualities I look for in a woman, and I'm tired of settling for less. I don't even want to fuck the ones who don't meet what I'm looking for anymore because every time I do they bring out the big guns pushing for exclusivity. Which obviously just makes me lose interest completely and I just go back to living solo dolo and doing me, and the cycle repeats.

Like, what's the fucking point?

Sorry for the wall of puke, I turn 25 tomorrow and I've been introspective as fuck all week.