I’m from Central/Eastern Europe and it blow me apart every time when I see guys putting women from these regions on pedestal here. I know that most of you are probably from USA or Western Europe but really? We all know here that AWALT applies as the name implies to all women and I have the impression that I am the only person who notices this hypocrisy.

I realize that there is such a thing as cultural differences, but the nature of women remains the same. However, you look at women from these regions as if they were from another planet. It's just bullshit.

Briefly, guys from the US or Western European countries get extra points from girls for being somehow EXOTIC. I know this may be strange especially if you are ordinary guy where you live but damn you sometimes it only takes to start speaking English in non-English countries and suddenly everyone knows that you are not from here AND YOU GAIN BONUS SMV POINTS.

It gives you 1 to 3 points depending on the girl. As 5 you become 7 as 6 you become 8 in the eyes of this girl + in most cases you appear to have more money. To finish this simple math equation higher SMV is more often equal to girl being more FEMININE.

So why do I have the impression that none of you can see it? I bet all of you know this but you don't want to see it because the ego doesn't allow you to. At that point I see you as delusional BP guys from abroad who think there is nothing special in paying 20$ (yes 20$ dinner per person is a thing for girl in her 20s there) for sushi dinner with a girl. Change my mind