I've prepared a self-actualization and self-realization guide for the fellow brothers in TRP.

I'm obligated to share this with the TRP society, to appriciate all for completeing my last missing piece of puzzle in search of truth and happiness in life.

I highly advice checking Alan watts out on youtube after reading my guide, things will make much more sense.


A guide I prepared which took me seven years searching for answers, learning, applying, and experiencing through numerous events, books, movies, advice, and many more factors to finally realize the greatest scam ever that has been pulled on humanity to contain and maintain the fear.

Keep in mind “All I am offering is the truth, nothing more” (Morpheus, The Matrix)

Personal History

From an early age I was unable to interact with girls and other people, because I was raised as shy person, due to being short. I saw others as high value people, thus started looking up to them, pleasing to be accepted by them, and eventually leading me to be disappointed for expecting the same treatment. Without knowing what Machiavellianism was, I instinctively developed the skills by observing peoples behavior based upon their current state of emotions, to control them and take vengeance that “I satisfied others and was left unsatisfied myself”. Enough of sad story, let’s move on to the next part.


The concept/ideology is mainly derived from relativism, especially aesthetic relativism, for one thing might be true for me, yet false for someone else. This was the spark in me, that raised the question of self-image and labels we are given by others. We constantly justify our actions to keep up the labels given to us, thus leading us to work harder to maintain the illusion, causing fear and distress in the process.

Relativism: is the concept that points of view have no absolute truth or validity, having only relative, subjective value according to differences in perception and consideration.

Self-Affirmation Theory: we compensate for competence threats by affirming elsewhere.

Self-Completion Theory: we compensate for self-concept threats by seeking social recognition.

Self-Discrepancy Theory: we aim to align beliefs and self-perception.

Self-Serving Bias: we take credit for success and put blame elsewhere.

Self-Verification Theory: we seek confirmation of our self-view, even if it is negative.

Understanding the words mentioned above will hopefully makes us recognize some of the things we do, that cause pain, discomfort, regret and other negative feelings.

Social fear, anxiety, and the illusion.

As we know social market value (social value/proof) is the key for a healthier and happier lifestyle. If one gets rejected, he is flagged as unworthy of mating, thus killing all the chances of survival and replication. This brings fear of desociolization. While TRP attempts to open our eyes to reality of women and feminism B.S, still many of us lack the confidence to make a move towards our goals. Confidence should never be attained from outer sources, such as money, cars, your physical appearance, and etc… Any of those factors are subject to change, thus affecting your confidence. For me confidence comes from being self-sufficient, a quote from the book art of worldly wisdom “The wise are sufficient unto themselves. One of them carried all of his belongings with him. One a friend—a universal man—can represent Rome and the rest of the universe. Be that friend to yourself, and you will be able to live by yourself. Why should you need anyone else if no taste and no understanding is superior to yours? You will depend only on yourself; the greatest happiness is to resemble the Supreme Entity. The person who can live by himself is in no way a brute; in many ways he is a wise man, in every way a god”

Each one of us has the tools and ways to become self-sufficient, for many of you have different skills and abilities. So now, let’s break down the illusion of fear. What happens when we decide to walk up to a cute girl? You make a mistake by thinking about how will the situation turn out. Fear is created when we think about the future by predicting and assuming how things will turn out, thus giving reality to nonexistent event. The question that keeps running before we open a set is, “what if” a part of our ego; generated in our unconscious mind created from our self-image and self-identity, and all the labels we come to believe to be true, in case the event, should turn out such.

Labeling theory: is the theory of how the self-identity and behavior of individuals may be determined or influenced by the terms used to describe or classify them. People become criminals when labeled as such and when they accept the label as a personal identity.

The labels we tend to take on as a means to identify ourselves with, and get a sense of belonging, puts certain expectations on us to live up to it, and failing, thus justifying every step of the way. Breaking the illusion requires us sight, or better yet insight, take these definitions into heart, before we proceed.

Defining: A statement or description of the fundamental character or scope of something.

Description: a statement that tells you how something or someone looks, sounds, etc. words that describe something or someone.

Self-Image: the idea one has of one's abilities, appearance, and personality.

Self-Identify: the recognition of one's potential and qualities as an individual, especially in relation to social context.

Content, Confident, Limitless, A GOD

Has this ever happened to you, when you did or got something you desperately needed/wanted, only to suddenly realize that something was wrong, that you should be happy, satisfied and instead you were cheated by your expectations and became disappointed?

We are expected something. What? Society, life, media, and other things, expect you to expect that goals, achievements, materialistic things such as cars, houses, and etc… to give us pleasure and make us happy. We are constantly expected to expect, and if we don’t agree to expect, we disappoint them, or if we agree to expect, we either disappoint ourselves or them. Labels, gives us purpose to be someone or to become someone in life, gives us sense of self, sense of self-worth, and they require acceptable justification. Thus, we go our lives to avoid disappointing ourselves, and eventually avoid disappointing other’s expectations that is required from us just trying to fulfill the expectations. Noticed, something? Sense, sense of self, is just sense. The mentality I have setup for myself is this way. The goals and achievements I have is for myself, and if I can help others, I will do so. Example, I’m going for a degree in social psychology, and the mindset I have is, “I want to acquire the skills of a psychologist, but not limited to and by one. Through psychology I have improved myself, thus self-growth and realized many, many fascinating things.” My aim is self-growth and improvement even though I might not need it, I don’t depend on my goal to bring me happiness, for happiness is not a goal, it is a state of mind. Why some people, such as celebrities or other rich people are go on their life feeling unsatisfied, yet the other one has nothing and is happy. The illusion of destination. Often, we wish we had cars, money, house, love, and etc… to have better, easier, and maybe happy life. Our mind is very strong; it comes up with imaginations that are always connected to some sort of label, thus making us go after it and the reach destination, only to be left unsatisfied.

I realized, now that the destination is relative. One person has many things, yet he is unsatisfied because he is missing another thing, the other has everything, yet he wants more. Yes, the unfulfilling part of being needy and greedy. The only inevitable destination we have is death. The idea of death, has put fear in us from a long time, making us rush, rush, and rush to get somewhere in life. An irony that most people don’t realize is that, the more we rush to do/be/have/ something in life before we die, the faster we approach death. We are constantly stressing out, seeking pleasure, happiness, and etc…trying to enjoy and have a happy life. Well, the sad truth is that we try, try, and try, instead of letting it happened.

Let’s try answering this question, who are we/you/am I? We may try to define ourselves by explaining our attributes, our skills, our looks. To attach ourselves with the labels is to temporarily feel good about it, and in the process limit ourselves forever. One way media destroys our self esteem is by constantly bombarding us labels such as cool, manly, sexy, and etc… Never give in to the influence because:

We are infinite; we are God - a super entity, one with everything.

Labeling is alienating, creating hostility, bringing fear and anxiety.


EDIT: I have added some definitions to make more sense of what I'm talking about.

People with a high internal locus of control believe in their own ability to control themselves and influence the world around them. They see their future as being in their own hands and that their own choices lead to success or failure.

Rotter (1990) describes the internal locus of control as:

'the degree to which persons expect that a reinforcement or an outcome of their behavior is contingent on their own behavior or personal characteristics'

Their belief in their ability to change things may well make them more confident and they will hence seek information that will help them influence people and situations. They will also likely be more motivated and success-oriented. These beliefs may even lead them to be more politically active.

They are more likely to have expectancy shifts, where a sequence of similar events are expected to have different outcomes. They tend to be more specific, generalizing less and considering each situation as unique. People in middle age tend to have the highest internal locus of control.

A downside of an internal locus of control is that, in accepting responsibility, the person has to also accept blame for failures.

External People with a high external locus of control believe that control over events and what other people do is outside them, and that they personally have little or no control over such things. They may even believe that others have control over them and that they can do nothing but obey.

Rotter (1990) describes the external locus of control as:

'the degree to which persons expect that the reinforcement or outcome is a function of chance, luck, or fate, is under the control o f powerful others, or is simply unpredictable.'

With such beliefs, people with an external locus of control tend to be fatalistic, seeing things as happening to them and that there is little they can do about it. This tends to make them more passive and accepting. When they succeed, they are more likely to attribute this to luck than their own efforts.

They are less likely to have expectancy shifts, seeing similar events as likely to have similar outcomes. they hence step back from events, assuming they cannot make a difference. Younger and older people tend to have higher external locus of control than people in middle age.


The Matrix Trilogy

The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women into Bed

The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

Ross Jefferies: How to Get the Women You Desire into Bed

Eckhart Tolle - The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

Confessions of a Sociopath - A Life Spent Hiding in Plain Sight

Robert Greene: The 48 Laws of Power

The Red Pill Philosophy

David Brooks: Social Animal

The Dark Art of Persuasion

The Wisdom of Psychopaths

Baltasar Gracian - The Art of Worldly Wisdom

Neuro-Linguistic Programming(NLP)


Alan Watts

That is all I can remember for now.