I know Halloween was like 2 weeks ago, but who isn’t in the mood for a good horror story? So let me tell you one. Out of the shadows of Reddit's soylent and porn addicted population emerged a scary online community, it was a complete rejection of the holy scripture in the Nintendo Switch User Agreement. The bugman recoiled at what he saw. This community was dedicated to... making men more masculine and helping them get laid, very frightening.

However, the scariest part is yet to come. There are a few rules in this community, but the number one rule is to lift. Your girlfriend just broke up with you? Lift. Literally anything happens to you? Lift. But... What if I told you a majority of people in the community haven’t even stepped foot in a gym. They’re rocking the Paul Blart aesthetic while simultaneously telling 19 year old zoomers how to slide inside a vag. What if I told you some, not all, of the endorsed members, you know the people who are supposed to be role models for others, didn’t lift in a place dedicated to masculinity. Pretty terrifying story right? Thank god this place is different.

Anyways you wanted to learn how to lift. I don’t think anyones written on TRP about what I’m about to explain here. So about 2.5 years ago this was what I looked like at around 130 lbs. in the bottom left, Here I am today at around 170lbs. on the right I’ve been lifting for lot less time than many people here and look way better than them. Why is this? Today, I will be covering the most important aspect of lifting if you’re looking to build an impressive physique and how to separate yourself from the dad bods in here. This one thing that I’m going to teach is more important than any drug, supplement, diet, workout plan, etc.. combined. I will warn you this technique is so powerful that it will make you want to show off your physique to cucklifters here at every given moment just to flex on them.

This is a perfect post for anyone using the Gironda 8x8, Arnold, or any bodybuilding program, since the method can apply to any program. I will provide direct evidence from both Arnold and Vince Gironda to prove that what I’m going to tell you is true, since they both agree with me on this. It would seem retarded to jerk off to these guys’ programs without listening to what they say is the important thing when it comes to lifting right? So whats the secret then?

To be successful at lifting requires 2 things:

1 Set a seemingly impossibly high goal/vision for yourself. Choose someones physique that you want to look like. They should have a similar build to you, like a 5’6 would choose someone his height not Arnold. (ex. I want to have the same exact physique as someone on roids like Jeff Seid, when you’re natural). Pick something so absurd if you told someone they would probably laugh at you. Your goal should be long term and you need to aim for the stars on this one. Pick something that motivates and excites you to get in the gym. My goal was to look exactly like this guy. (More on this later)

2 You need the ability to self hypnotize. What do I mean by this? Hypnosis is a change in the subconscious through the method of repetition. The key word here is repetition. Your subconscious is the deepest part of your mind that controls your thoughts when you’re not aware. And it sees everything.

Your subconscious is so powerful that corporations pay billions of dollars trying to influence it and obviously it works or else they wouldn’t be doing it year after year. If you don’t believe hypnosis is real look at what experiments the CIA did in the 1950s to mind control random US citizens.

Lets get back on track. If I gave some random kid in the gym and Arnold the exact same program and they did the same thing set for set, rep for rep, same diet, same drugs, who do you think would get better results? Arnold of course. But whats the difference between these two? Why can’t our random gym goer compete with Arnold? What is the thing that Arnold possesses that makes him so much better at lifting?

The reason why Arnold was the best bodybuilder in the 70s was because he fully subconsciously persuaded himself he was the best. He had a vision/goal better than anyone else and he fully convinced himself of it. The diets, drugs, programs, definitely helped but without the goal and “hypnosis”, he wouldn’t achieve what he did. The reason why he won STARTED internally, in the mind. In other words he set a goal that inspired him and used self hypnosis throughout the entire process to achieve great results.

Great so I have my goal physique so how do I do the self hypnosis during lifting?

Watch from 7:25-12:00 on Arnolds Blueprint to cut, this is essential! He talks about the 3 methods he uses. They are: “Being inside the muscle”, posing, and visualization . All three of these are forms of self hypnosis and Ill explain how to execute each one.

  1. “Being inside the muscle” - I’ll use bicep curls as an example, but this technique applies to every exercise for every body part. When you’re doing a set of barbell curls you want to focus 100% on the sensation happening in the muscle being worked, not looking at the girls ass next to you or anything like that. FEEL the muscle being worked, this means controlling the weight up and down, going slower on the negative phase. The bicep is contracting throughout the entire rep. When you’re at the bottom of the curl FEEL the bicep being stretched and lengthened and when you curl it up, flex for the muscle for a second at the top. Look at how strict Vince Gironda is on this exercise, this is how it should be.

If you’re doing this right its going to be a lot harder than just powering through it as fast as you can. You won’t be able to lift the weight you usually do. This face will be made basically throughout the entire movement because it’s challenging and uncomfortable but this is good because thats when the muscle grows. This requires great concentration and for you to be mentally present when working out.

This is called the mind muscle connection. This should be applied for almost every exercise you do for bodybuilding. You need to feel the stretch on the eccentric phase and on the concentric squeeze the muscle and hold it for a second like your flexing. This does take a while to get the hang of so don’t feel bad if you go to the gym and can’t seem to get it. You will figure it out eventually if you keep trying.

  1. Visualization - This is to be done at the same as the “being inside the muscle” or FEELING it. When Arnold trained biceps he said he would literally imagine them growing like two mountains, as a result he had some of the best bicep development. When he trained his lats he imagined them opening up like a curtain to get the width. When he did calves he imagined them splitting in half. Watch the Blueprint to cut video to see how he talks about these. You need to imagine or visualize what you want your muscle to look like while also “being inside the muscle”, this will produce tremendous results.

  2. Posing - Remember when I said to choose a physique to strive for? This is where the posing comes in. Almost every time you finish a set you need to hit a pose. If finish a set of pull ups, do a double bicep pose, if you finish triceps do a tricep pose. You might feel awkward doing this for the first time but its an essential part of training. By posing you can see what you need to work on and compare yourself to your model physique until you become them. You are a sculptor of the body.. If your chest is nicely developed and your shoulders are lacking, drop most of the chest work and change exercises to focus on shoulders. The key take away here is to bring up your weak points which you’ll be able to see through poses. Arnold training philosophy was to train his weakest points until they became his strongest.

All three of these methods MUST to be done every workout, this is what seperates you from the cucklifters. This is how you build an aesthetic physique from these 3 methods. Know that if you do these you will achieve your physique, I’ve done it and plenty other people have as well. Its not like starting a business and theres this chance of luck involved where maybe you’ll succeed maybe not. If you put the work in you will get results out. The muscle separations, striations, and everything comes from these. No one expects you to have this down perfectly the next time you go to the gym. It’s something that takes a while but over time it will become autonomous.

Also by the way I’m not saying that your diet, sleep, program isn’t important. They’re crucial to building a great body, I’m saying that these two things need to be in order first, a goal and the ability to hypnotize yourself. If you don’t have these two in place you won’t make much progress. In Arnold’s words he could tell people weren’t using these methods because they looked like shit. Once you get these two things down and the diet, sleep, training is where you’ll really start seeing results.

Ok thats enough Arnold, what does Vince Gironda have to say about training?

An article on Vince Gironda wrote this, confirming what was said above is true:

“Champions obviously possess something others do not, even though they may do the same routine set for set, rep for rep, they do not obtain the benefits of champions. Vince stated that he had often observed champions train in a manner he did not approve, but they achieved results that were phenomenal. What is it that they possess? What do they do different? They are using mental suggestion: mind control. You can actually produce the desired condition by picturing in your mind what you wish to manifest.”

Picture in your mind a clear image of the muscle of a part of the body you wish to develop and hold the image throughout the rep or set. The subconscious believes any thought you perceive and stores it. It accepts anything that is spoken by you or someone else if you accept it as true. But it must be repeated again and again until the subconscious accepts it as true. Then it will produce the condition pictured in your mind. Whether or not a champion is aware of it this is why they are champions, they have this ability.”

I’m going to wrap this up by briefly explaining how I used these methods in my training.

My first year of lifting I didn’t make much progress, I had noob gains but nothing impressive. I was using workout routines that I found on the bodybuilding forums that were pretty shit. I didn’t really have a goal inside the gym or a vision, I was just lifting hoping to get girls. It wasn’t until I came across this video of David Laid and I knew I wanted to look exactly like that.

No homo alert, but over the next year I spent a lot of time literally combing through each of his youtube videos studying the way his body was shaped. How the delts were capped on the sides and how they would look when doing certain poses, how the lats looked when he was doing a bench press, the separations between the muscles on his legs, how the serratus anterior looked when hitting certain poses, the striations on the shoulders when doing pressing movements etc..

I would copy everything he did in the gym. From doing the same exercises to hitting the same poses to wearing a hoodie and a shirt and a stringer all together, so you could warm up the upper body more and when you took it off towards the end of the workout your muscles would be pumped and would look huge. After a while I got better understanding of what exercises helped with each body part, how to properly execute the eccentric and concentric phase of each movement and how to feel the muscles being worked. The entire time in my mind I was just imaging my physique becoming more like David Laid and I knew every set I did I would be closer to it.

Here’s a few of my pictures of what I look like now so you know this advice works.

Front Back Legs

I set a goal physique for myself and completely immersed myself in it. It was a form of hypnosis watching his videos over and over, copying, and taking mental note of how everything looked. I wasn’t even aware of what I was doing. Thanks to this video helped me articulate what I had learned from my lifting experience.

Let me know if this helped you out, or have any questions. bye!!!!!!!