This is a slightly long post but bear with me.

Back before I found TRP, so immersed was I in the Blue Pill that these words made no sense to me. I was your typical Beta Nice Guy - plenty of girl friends but no girls. This one girl I had my eye on - let's call her Suzy, was in my 'circle of friends' i.e. she was friends with one of the girls I was orbiting. All my attempts to get my 'friend' to help me out with Suzy were met with, "I'll talk to her for you but I don't know what good it will do" or "You're such a nice guy. Just be patient and she'll come around".

Needless to say I was patient. Until one day I couldn't be patient anymore and my infatuation with Suzy hit crisis point. I broke all protocol and professed my 'undying love for her'TM . Man even the thought of that now seems so pathetic. As expected Suzy did what all women do when confronted with a pathetic beta puppy - she rejected me. So broken was I with this decision that I retreated from everything and everyone, including my 'friend'. Eventually my parents noticed something was up and my dad had a conversation with me:

Dad: What's wrong son. You're making us worried.

Me: Nothing dad. I'll get over it

Dad: Is it a girl? Did you get her pregnant?

Me: No nothing like that. I just don't want to talk about it

Dad: Ok. But if there's one thing I can tell you it's this: women - all women - have baggage. The closer you get to them, the more they want to put that baggage on you. Don't allow that to happen. You don't need to carry anyone's baggage for them.

Me: Ok dad. I'll be ok.

Now like I said that advice didn't really hit me then. Somehow after that experience I found this sub, and never looked back - the advice my dad gave me though, I'll honestly say I never thought about again.

Until today.

My 'friend', who I cut contact with hit me up. "Hey B. I miss you. I had a dream about you. Please get back to me. I miss having my friend in my life.". My response? "Ok".

Seeing that message come up, that outright attempt to get me back in her orbit reminded me of my dad's advice. For the first time I felt like I truly understood what he said and it was like swallowing the pill all over again. It made me realize the value of fatherly advice and just how important it is to listen to what our fathers have to say.

Now I'm not saying my dad is full alpha, or that many of us here have prime role models for fathers. However for most of us, at some point in our lives, will receive fatherly advice in some shape or form. Don't discount it or dismiss it. You might not appreciate it when it's given, but somewhere along the road, that advice will ring true. And when it does, you'll be glad you remembered it.

TL:DR - Fatherly advice, is always useful. You just need the right perspective to find use in it.