So I approached a girl at the gym. Actually, she approached me first by asking if I was using the machine, to which I replied after 2-3 seconds while holding strong eye contact and trying to create sexual tension, which kind of worked by seeing her facial expression change in soft shiness.

But let's keep the PUA stuff out for one second.

After that, I got back on my squat rack. However, I decided to re-approach her, as she was close to me.

"What's your name?". Not too much time even passed. Probably 15 seconds, while I was putting the plates on the barbell.

So she tells me her name, and here's where the interview-like conversation started. I felt like I had to keep the conversation going.

All this was quite dynamic as I was putting on the weight on the barbell. I don't know if this was a mistake, but I guess it was surely better to show she's not 100% in my mind and that I had my 5 sets of squats waiting for me, rather than staying there like a pole and wondering what to ask her.

Eventually, I ask her "So, what you do?" and she tells me she studies one certain subject. I ask her "What brought you to that?". She said "I like it".

So as you can see, lots of interview like questions which kind of annoyed me so I just walked away and ignored her for the rest of the time. Yes, I could ask her "Why do you like it?" and on and on, but I felt I was investing too much (correct me if I did a mistake).

Now, I'm not really figuring out how to fix this single situation (abundance mentality), but rather trying to avoid this happening the next time. In my opinion, the possibilities are two: either low interest, or she's shy and wanted me to lead the conversation.

What do you think?