This quite shocking map of the world shows that the birth rate is below the replacement rate* in every single developed nation in the world, as of 2018:

In the USA, Canada, the whole of Europe, Russia, Australia and many other nations, population would be declining if it weren't for immigration.

I'd like a Purple Pill perspective on why this is the case. It seems like women just don't want kids anymore. The common answer to this is "kids cost a lot of money and people's wages are too low". Well this never stops poor people having kids - poor people statistically have more kids than rich people. So this is clearly not the reason.

Another possible reason is that women are choosing education and careers over having kids. This shouldn't stop women having kids either, because there's maternity leave and government support. And are we really saying that women would prefer to slave away at work, compared to all the joys of having a baby? Come on!

Maybe women's standards for men have just gone through the roof in recent years, which means fewer of them are willing to settle for beta men to have kids with. There's not enough alphas to share around and commit to every woman, which means less kids overall.

It seems like this dreaded "wall" which The Red Pill says women supposedly hit isn't actually bothering women anymore. They're reaching their mid 30's and simply not caring. They're not desperate to start a family and possibly don't want a family at all. The statistics are quite clear on this.

What do you reckon? Looking for any explanations and also any personal experiences, from both men and women.

*Replacement rate = the average number of children required to be born per woman so that a country's population remains stable (assuming zero migration). That figure is roughly 2.1 children per woman in developed countries.