Title says it all....

I am at a crossroads where I want to start dating and have a healthy attitude towards females. 23 yo male, but my experience with women have ONLY yielded the same theories stated in Red Pill and MGTOW.

Women have out right stated to me, most likely unconsciously, and I have seen ; confirmed Red Pill + MGTOW principles such as:

"You are a handsome, great man who is the type of person to marry but girls don't want that right now. They want to have fun." (A girl I dated for 4 years and we both were each other's first") - Cock Carousel

"Once you know the best you can get, you don't want anyone less than that." (A friend's sister who has been repeatedly "pumped and dumped by supposed 'alphas') - Hypergamy, Alpha Widowed

One if my buddies is a typical "Chad" and has had sex with over 200 women through Tinder. A lot of these women are in relationships and do not even expect a relationship ( This guy is actually seriously insecure, has a personality disorder, and repeatedly treats girls like dirt and it amazes me how they all come back for seconds.)

Meanwhile I get sexually harassed by women groping me at the bar (even those with husbands), women trying to seduce me in to sex because "abstinence is old, it's 2019" , girls creepily invading my personal space at work and public (if a guy got this close and was touching a female he would be locked up)....

I am just so confused...