I have lurked this subreddit for a while now, literally done everything related to self improvement, have gotten big at gym and all this shit and I still hhate myself and have zero confidence. I just dont know how people do it, like I try my hardest to be sociable and use all the social skills and tricks I've learned from self help books like Models and How to Influence People and honestly they've helped me a little more outgoing and out of my shell, but I still for the life of me can't decently interact with another human being. I feel like women hate me, everyone of my friends always tells me how attractive I am and I always have girls looking at me wherever I go and trying to get close to me (humble brag but throwaway so fuck it im gonna conscious stream) but whenever I try to keep contact with them or organize plans they just ghost or dont respond. I feel like I've gotten very numb and slow from smoking alot of weed in highschool and now I am in college and regret all of my decisions. I hate not rushing a frat so I can make friends, I didn't join any clubs until my junior year this year, and all of my "circile" of friends are people that I am always never really within the group or just a backup which I have been my whole life. I just can't connect to people, I have dobe ecerything from therapy to self improvement to social anxiety seminars but I just can't shake these feelings of inadequcy and being judge all the time. I am so sorry if any has read this far but I am so drunk right now and I just want to feel this tiny bit of catharsis, which I never get with any of my shitty ass fucking therapists who try to gaslight me. Call it cognitive dissonance but everywhere I go I see all these pseudscience bropill shits fucking in action and I cant get out of my conscious, like I am aware its very limited worldview but honestly in college I find all of this seeped into the culture, like yes sure redpill uses their terms to describe very damaged women and all that but like all the women I've talked to in my life have all done at least some of the things they try to claim. Anytime I try to express myself sexually or my true self I jsut creep anyone around me, and for a while I followed the advice in the book Models but like I just feel very rapey when I try to escalaate things with women, and when I do I definitely take it too far as some women in my life have cut contact with me for that very reason. I dont want to be fucking friends with women anymore, I am so lonely it fucking hurts. Like you have to love yourself sure but at this point I just need some validation that I can have someone who enjoys my company like fuck. I can ramble on even more but I am about to pass out, and I am probably going to read the comments in this post and forget about them the next day because I am retarded peice of shit but to whoever has read this or comments I really respect you trying to help a random stranger I know i wouldnt do the same. I wish there was a cure to whatever the fuck illness I have, every therapist says I am fine but like I know for a fucking fact there is something wrong with me I just want something to make a normal functioning member of society fuck it all. The fact that people can even get into relationships blows my mind, like all these girls that come on here and say their bf like left them over reading this shit. How tf do all these people on this website have relationships, i just dont fucking know fuck