I love my current girlfriend to death but I keep accidentally offening her and I think we're both getting annoyed about it at this point. She's very sensitive about her looks, and so yesterday she was showing me pictures of girls with another hair colour since she knows her hair color isn't my number one choice (although this stuff isnt important to me). While she was showing me a picture of some blonde girl I told her I usually dont find conventionally attractive girls attractive (as in blonde hair girls with a super thin waist, etc.). She took that as a backhanded compliment and a way for met o say to her I don't find her attractive.

I honestly find my gf beyond gorgeous, to the point I cant look at other girls and be sexually attracted to them (I've told her this). I apologized and reassured her (hurting her feelings kills my heart haha), and she talked to me like everything is fine today, but I still feel worried and a bit guilty. On the other hand, I'm also getting frustrated feeling like I'm walking on eggshells when we talk, and am annoyed by the fact that the only thing that seemed to calm her down was reassuring her that all my friends and family think she's a good looking girl.Any perspective on this would be appreciated. I'm not sure if I should talk to her about this, leave it be and be more complimentary of her looks, or act like I normally do, because similar things have happened before between us, but I'm getting tired of it happening while also worrying when my accidental offence is going to be the final straw on this camel's back. Thanks