I just really don’t know what to say after 18 hours of educating myself on the filth that is TRP. Also teaching myself Reddit.... Devastated is an understatement. Mixed emotions. Relieved I’m not crazy. I’m going to be general to remain anonymous.

I have been in the relationship with this person for a double digit amount of months. We are adults. Past college. I entertained the relationship due to strong shared interests and just felt really good in his presence, amongst a lot of other mature reasons. According to the scale and what I read about myself (I discovered his account yesterday) I’m a HB8/9 which according to the text that makes me higher on the ego and crazy scale according to TRP. I have known something was off for the entirety of the relationship but it was so subtle I began to question myself and blame myself. Insecurity set in. The elated highs and very low, lows began to start their waxing and waning. I have become completely anxious and emotionally depleted for enduring this for a sustained and substantial amount of time. I sought professional help still blaming myself. Working on me changed nothing. He literally deflected, refused to progress in the relationship despite how much he told me he wanted to otherwise and showed no emotional response to the anguish I was experiencing. He used words to describe me and himself that I found to be unconventional and I found out where those words came from yesterday.

So I decided to assure myself that before I leave, I needed answers and the truth. So I looked online and found a description of TRP that described identical behavior to his. Just on a whim, I discovered his profile and multiple posts and comments glorifying his selfish and abusive behavior. I read about my own abuse. From the mind of my abuser. And I saw other members praise him for it.... I wanted to throw up.

The posts were old but I found out it was because the subreddit has been closed...

I just found out yesterday and I don’t know how to approach this at all. I decided to come here because if I tried to explain this ridiculous situation to anyone else they would think I’m a conspiracy theorist.

If anyone has advice on anything I am all ears. But please don’t debate or disagree with others who reply.... I’m a bit fragile right now and just want to hear what are peoples thoughts and stories.

Any of them including:

How to save my relationship from this, how I should approach this discussion, if it’s even repairable, if you’re a reformed TRP, and/or how to leave and not be damaged.

Thank you.